Thursday, October 12, 2017

Yesterday and today

I did go out of the house yesterday. Met my daughter N for lunch at Jalisco's. We had a good conversation. Good to see her. Kind of quiet in the restaurant. Some joking before I left.

I made it to the grocery store. Always too sore when I wanted to go. Got some things that I want! Healthy --- no. Good --- yes!!

Weather is cold at night but has warmed up during the day. Nico go to be out afternoon. He loved it and he took a long nap in the house.

Today I had a list of things to do. First Nico went to the vet's for "summer camp". I am gone all weekend and no good to leave him here to be ignored. And with a cold front coming, he might not get outside in time to do his business. I want to enjoy my weekend. Not come home to a dirty carpet.

I went to a hair appointment that I thought was today but it is actually next week. Luckily my stylist worked me in for a quick shampoo and style.

I went to a new shop in town and spent just too much. But I was out of stuff. Or maybe wanted new stuff!!

I wanted to eat in town tonight but I did not. I should have. No one came home here and it was obvious he had eaten somewhere else. As usual.

This weekend in my town is a huge festival celebrating the Swedes who settled here. I will miss most of it since I am working in a booth both days. Hopfully I get to see the parade on saturday unless it rains. I have a ticket to the Swedish dinner and want a ticket to the jazz concert. Be glad when it is sunday. Too busy.

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