Tuesday, December 26, 2017


My latest illness is not my cold or whatever. My brother and I had a burger and fries yesterday noon. I never felt quite right after eating. Kept getting worse. Supper was ok. But. Then I got extremely sick. I spent most of the night in the bathroom. I was scared I might die. Then my hands itched like crazy. I had some new hand sanitizer, probably what caused it. Then my feet itched and my back. it was hell. I finally got some sleep and feel better. I ate lunch and so far so good. Had to be food poisoning. Had to be. No more itching. It was the night from hell.

Been an OK day. We had a bit of snow this morning. Never went any further south than here. And cold!! I saw 8F or -13.33. Much colder tonight. And bad winds coming. And then another cold spell. Winter is finally here.

All photos are borrowed and are Swedish.

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