Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quarantine Day 34

I have little to say again. I picked a poor time to start blogging again. Time goes on. Sometimes slow, sometimes faster. Not much changes out here.

I see all the fun things that people come up with to do in town, whether mine or elsewhere. But in the middle of nowhere nothing happens.

Weather was ok. Breezy. Warmish.

Have the special on tv with all the superstars.  It is so-so. Too many I have no clue who they are. Not really making me feel better. Should watch something else. Some of the songs make me feel worse. Now they are talking about how isolation affects one. I know all too well. I do not think talking to anyone will make a difference. It is what it is. 

Fur kids ok today. Except Kisse never slept on me last night. Odd. I missed her. Nico is always close to me. Where I go he goes. Nice that he cares. But he never reacts if I cry. I start to cry and Kisse runs to me.

All photos are mine and old.


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