Thursday, June 25, 2020

Quarantine Day 102......

Today was a great day!! I got a haircut and style. Dang it feels awesome! I bet I have lost 20 pounds!!! And great to see my stylist again. He does the best hair cuts. I sure miss him.  The  nicest guy. Makes me laugh. He was born in Germany and is quite European. We talked about Acorn and European movies. Have to look for them.

Hot and humid today but a good breeze. Probably no rain here. Harvest started again yesterday.

Sat outside with Nico. With the wind it was ok. No bugs bothering me. Good.

Had someone on my FB group post misinformation. And it was someone of some stature. He should have known better. He posted that there is no need to wear a face mask and that Dr. Fauci and the CDC agreed. And if you have Covid but no symptoms you cannot give to anyone. Not true. I posted correct info and then we had to delete later. I swear. Do not lead people astray. Check your info.

Farm photos and photos of my hair. And a new face mask I got. Made by an artist friend in Colorado. She is one cool lady.

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