Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 251....

 Much cooler day. And we had rain. What a shock. I am sure it did not amount to much but just nice to see and feel. No enough to end the drought. They say more is coming monday and tuesday.

As per my norm, I was awake all night. No idea why. Not restless. Mind seemed to work overtime. Certainly over nothing important.

I had not seen the obit on my uncle. So I googled it and found it. About 10 minutes later the family posted it online. I was born on his 20th birthday. We used to joke about our birthdays. But that quit quite a few years ago. I missed that. Time moves on, things change.

NOthing exciting today. My usual day. And the holiday week approaches. Not good for me. Miss having family like we used to. But JR and I have a good day planned. Wish we could go out to eat somewhere but it is far too dangerous. I worry about those who will gather together with people they rarely see. Jalisco is the only place I go and they are closed. I told MA he could leave us a box of turkey burritos and a bottle of tequila on thursday!! We will be across the alley from Jalisco's!! I was joking! We will have pumpkin pie though. With whipt cream.

Covid is scary awful. If people would only learn and not ignore. Places in Europe are getting better while we get much worse. Will say no more, especially about what took place today. I apologise to the world.

My RA is ok. I am reading about it on the group I joined. Good to learn. My new cream seems good. But once in a while I use one of my old ones. Nice to feel better, even if I am only at home.

Photos are all mine.


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