Friday, February 19, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 340....

 A nice day. Sunny and warm. The breeze was chilly.

Did not sleep well until morning and after lunch. Always sleep good then.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's again. JS was a waiter. Friday evening is alway the busiest. They need someone to take care of customers and someone to take care of the take out orders. Plus a cook. CA does cleaning tables, chips, drinks. All are hard workers.

A friend is moving a house from a farm in to town to place on his land. Today the move started. JR and I drove to see if we could see the house and could not. So we turned to go back in town. And then we saw it! I added 2 versions that I took of it. Will be fun to see what he does with it.

Photos today are some old photos. Two of them go back to Willie and out dog Jo. Miss those days.

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