Saturday, February 6, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 327....

 A Very quiet day. No calls. No one here. JS did send a text or 2 now and then. They helped. I think every time he texted me I was asleep. Every time I answered him he was sleeping! He agreed. Another friend and I had a long texted chat. He is a nice guy.

Had a nice video chat with JS. Not real long but ok.

It looks pretty outside. A few more inches would have helped.

I love that FB lets you hide posts you do not like so you only see it once. Best weekend to use it. And I have a lot!! Too much stuff I do not care about this weekend.

Took a nice nap. Kills time. And nice to snuggle with Nico.

Nico has a built in clock. Wants "people food" at 11Am and 5pm with a snack at 10-11 pm. He only gets crumbs but thinks they are important. We nap at 1pm. Bed time midnight. Who is in charge here? And if I am late he will drive me crazy.

Photos today are past snows. The collage is today's snow photos.

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