Friday, April 30, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 409....

Mostly a quiet day. Too warm. It was 83F today. Did not feel too humid. Very good!

Supper at Jalisco's with JR and GE. Had a good visit and lots of laughs. It was very busy. And very large take out orders. Plus at least 3-4 large groups that came in that each filled a booth and a 6 person table. JS did make time to chat and even text me. He always has to tease me. He made all of us plus the other staff laugh. He is so ornery! Nice to laugh. Sort of rare when alone often.

A friend shared something that said he is no longer fazed by anything. I think that is finally me. Something recently happened that should have sent me into a meltdown. It did not. Shed a couple of tears. And it truly did not change a thing in my life. Not the reaction they wanted I am sure. After the last 2 years, nothing fazes me. Been to hell and back.

I have actually had less pain the last few days. Nice. But a new pain hangs on. Mostly at night.

Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos are all taken beg me and edited by me.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 408....

A quiet day. Needed it after no sleep last night.

Good weather. House feels good.

Nico and I sat outside before supper. Very nice. He was calm and laid in the sun. Just peaceful to sit and listen and observe. Saw a heron on the pond and turkey vultures overhead. I heard farm machinery and traffic, all in the distance.

Talked to the guy who mowed my yard last year. He will do it this year again. Probably be his last year. Will miss him. My nephew said he would but honest enough to say he really does not want to. I know. Summers are too busy, with hay and harvest. Maybe next year I can find someone else. Living far away from town makes it hard. I do not own a mower. We had one that my husband ruined. But my neighbor MC looked at and thought he could fix it. Now it is his. Hubby never taught me anything so there was a lot I never knew. I am not mechanical or athletic.

 Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos are all taken by me and edited by me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 407....

 Nice day. Cool temps. Sprinkles a couple of times. During the night it was too humid. Awful. Shades of what the future holds.

I worked this afternoon at the Old Mill. Love my boss. Love the old photos. Fun. What help to me! More help than I give them.

At supper I thought about what saved me during during this pandemic. The top 4 are: My brother JR, my best friend JS, Jalisco's and staff,. and Calvin and Hobbs. Next were a couple of cousins. Then the occasional lunches or coffees with a few friends. No way to say thank you. No huge family support group or big group of friends. But grateful for those who are there.

You may wonder why Calvin and Hobbs. No matter how bad the day, they always make me smile or laugh.

Supper was good. New menu items. One is a shrimp taco with mango pica. Never had a mango let alone mango pica. JS brought my brother and I a sample. I am truly a picky eater but I tasted it. Actually pretty good but it is a bit hot. May try it some time.

When I left home this noon there was a cardinal in my yard. So pretty. First I have seen.

Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos are from today.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 406....

 Today was ok. Slept well. Warm again. Too warm for me. I cannot get house to be comfort­able. I am either too warm or too cold.

I had therapy today. I've had a major change in how I see the past, more truthful than before. Helped me a lot. Probably only me.

I drove around town to my favorite flower spots. Some gorgeous flowers now. My favorite place is growing far too slow for me. I keep checking. I even have 3 iris buds and several peony buds here at home. I once had a long row of irises but they are gone. But these will spread!

Nico and I were sitting outside and my nephew and his son and daughter were feeding cattle. They stopped and we had a nice visit. Nice to see them. Made my day!

Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos today are from town.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 405....

  A quiet day. Too warm for me. Stayed at 61F all night. Our high was 87F. No bueno. And very high winds. Again. Severe storms forecast for Tuesday night and Wednesday. But not here. Suits me fine.

Nico and I sat outside twice. He was even calm and laid by my feet. Nice calm moment.

I have started writing my intentions daily. Today is the Full Moon. I have candles for New Moon and Full moon. And a simple Intention Candle. I burn one while I write. I looked up what today's Full Moon means. Quite accurate, scary, and right on. I need to do an intention to realize some members of my family are emotionally challenged. Whether or not they seek help is their decision. I have been driving myself crazy taking all the blame for things I am not in control of.

Watching my favorite TV show, Maine Cabin Masters. So wish I was there. It is on the Diy channel.

Finally feeling better. Just needed time to think things through.

Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos are all B&W photos I have taken. Plus a photo of my Intention Candle. Etsy has many of them.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 404....

  Today started out fine but did not end good. Just the way life is.

Ate at Jalisco's with JR. That place and people save my sanity. Muchas gracias!

JR needed a ride to the college. He took photos at a baseball game. Glad he got to do some­thing fun.

I tried to take a nap. That did not happen today. I needed someone or something that just was not here. But glad those I love had good days. More important than my nap.

Nico and I sat outside for a while. Nice outside. I need to mow some weeds. But they still have blooms.

Watching the Oscar's. Sort of boring. I never get to go see any movies. No fun alone. My brother and I have different tastes. I just skip going.

Always be kind. Wear a mask. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Photos all taken today. Notice the lilacs. They sort of form a heart.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...