Saturday, July 31, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 31 july, 2021

                 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West has cooled off. Nico and I sat outside twice. Tonight was heaven. Wish the rest of summer would be like today. There are showers in the state. See if any make it here.

        I have started buying candles to burn daily. Helps calm me. And at certain times during the month I burn one and do intentions. Great smells! Tonight I am burning one called Starry NIght again. Very nice.

                    Photos are ones I have edited. Some taken by me, some not. Nothing special.


Friday, July 30, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 30 july, 2021

                 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was hot and a little less humid. I saw 100F and maybe worse tomorrow. But a small chance of showers tomorrow.

        My best friend seems much better. Friendlier and not so tired. I am thankful. I did a lot of talking to my spiritual guides. Glad they listened.

        My depression is worse, of course. Sometimes I feel that life is only for others. Never me. Tired of only watching from afar. I must quite whinging. Few care.

        I have started buying candles to burn daily. Helps calm me. And at certain times during the month I burn one and do intentions. I just received some mini candles I ordered. Awesome!! Great smells! Tonight I am burning one called Dazzling Diamonds again. All sparkly.

                        Photos are from Gilead Nebraska. It is a delightful village in Nebraska. There is a population of 38 people. It was established in the 1880s. It has a pretty park and the historic Pioneers Inn restaurant. Not sure it is still open. I hope it is. There is the St. Pauls Lutheran Church (ELCA). Built in August 15, 1900. The original church burned down years ago and they then they moved in to a Catholic church that was no longer used. They seem to connect with a hymn called There is a Balm in Gilead. It is a lovely hymn. There is not one piece of garbage in town. I hope to visit again.


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 29 july, 2021

                Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast. And with my luck someone who refuses to get vaccinated with be fine but me with both shots, will get sick. God love luck!

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was hot and humid. I saw 104F with high humidity and will be worse tomorrow. A delight to taking Nico outside. Or dash to the car.

        Finally!!! I feel normal. Blood sugar was normal twice today. Almost like my insulin was not working. No more scratchy throat. I use Young Living Thieves at least once or twice daily and think it does make a difference.

        My best friend found out he has an infection in his throat. Meds should fix it. I think we both were a bit worried. I know some others with colds/throat problems. Must be a bug going around. I have made the decision to wear my mask again. Too many in this state do not believe in science.

        My depression is worse, of course. Sometimes I feel that life is only for others. Never me. I think of going away for a day or two but sitting somewhere alone ---- is that fun? Is it worth it? Still thinking.

        I have started buying candles to burn daily. Helps calm me. And at certain times during the month I burn one and do intentions. I just received some mini candles I ordered. Awesome!! Great smells! Tonight I am burning one called Dazzling Diamonds. All sparkly.

                        Photos are a mix from the recent past. Including one of Big Boy steam engine that is set to return here soon!!! I am ready!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 28 july, 2021

                  Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast. And with my luck someone who refuses to get vaccinated with be fine but me with both shots, will get sick. God love luck!

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was hot and humid. I saw 100F and will be worse tomorrow. A delight to take Nico outside. Or dash to the car.

        I still do not feel good. My blood sugar is a mess. Stays too high. My throat is scratchy so maybe I am trying to be sick. Worries me. Then my best friend is ill and I am very worried about him. Taking him to the doctor tomorrow.

        My depression is worse, of course. Sometimes I feel that life is only for others. Never me Part of it is losing a friend without one word, Sucks. Guess I was just used until no longer needed.

        I have started buying candles to burn daily. Helps calm me. And at certain times during the month I burn one and do intentions. I just received some mini candles I ordered. Awesome!! Great smells!

                        Photos are from Fairbury Nebraska. I like it there, Hope I am invited back sometime but will not hold my breath. Lost too many friends this year. I can go alone if needed. Other photos are from today.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 27 july, 2021

                 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West is back to desert weather. I saw 97F and humid. A delight to take Nico outside.

        I have not felt good in a couple of days. My blood sugar gets low and I get shaky. Twice yesterday. So today I changed my morning dose of insulin. Late afternoon I felt shaky again. But my blood sugar was ok and I checked all my vital signs and all were ok. Maybe I am fighting a cold or something. Anything can affect my sugars. Missed seeing my non bio grandson and family. They have started moving here. I am thrilled!

        Photos are a mix of photos. I did not take all of them but I edited some of them.



Monday, July 26, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 26 july, 2021

                 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant crying,is starting to grow here fast. And people seem not to even care. I worry but have said it all. People are adults and do what they want.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was absent today. This afternoon it turned cooler and we had a thunderstorm. I was napping and got jarred awake with loud thunder. Awesome. We had 2.25" of rain. Of course in a couple of days the intense heat will return. I hate summer.

        Today would have been my husband's and my 55th wedding anniversary. No one ever remembers. No one ever did. Only my mom and her 2 sisters. I miss them. I did not celebrate in any way. No point now.

        Photos are summer flower photos plus a mushroom and a praying mantis. How I wish there were flowers blooming here now. Too dry. There are a few but not many and none easy to get to.


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 25 july, 2021

                     Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was better.......just for today. I saw 91F and a nice breeze. Will end with today.

        Lunch at my Mexican restaurant. Nice to go where I am actually liked. Nice to shake hands or get hugs. And lots of joking!

        I got some surprising news today. And I am clueless what to do about it. Has to do with a friend. Or at least I thought we were friends. Not so sure now. My brother said to just ignore and let it go. I probably will. But for me --- who assumes I have no friends and whatever --- it has not done my thoughts about myself any good. And no therapist to talk to about it. Life is sometimes not fair. I already knew this but now it has been driven home completely. Sad about a friend I was going to miss but I am thinking I was not going to be missed.

        Photos are summer flower photos. How I wish there were flowers blooming here now. Too dry. There are a few but not many and none easy to get to.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...