Friday, November 5, 2021

Wandering, 05 november 2021

    It was a bit warmer today but with winds in the 20mph plus it felt chilly.  A warmup through the weekend then cold again and a chance of rain.

    I rushed to town in the late afternoon to get to the bank before it closed.  Then I spent some time driving around town taking photos of our beautiful trees.  Very relaxing.  Then I had to get fuel as I was on fumes.  I could not believe it that there were cars in line to get fuel at each pump.  No idea why.  I was in no hurry so it did not matter.  Price is $3.09.  Ridiculous.

    JR and I had supper at Jalisco's.  They were busier than earlier in the week.  One huge group!  But the waiters still visited a bit.  I was 3 meals behind tipping one waiter.  He said it did not matter but it mattered to me.  He is always good to me.  Another staff member smiled a lot.  Even with his mask on his eyes smiled.  And I rated a nice hug.  And the third waiter is always friendly and nice.  And helps me with my Spanish.  Always good.

    I do a lesson every night on Babbel.  I struggle some times but it is getting easier.  And I am finding it easier to speak a little to the waiters.  A good feeling.

    Covid is worse here again.  My church had 2 people who attended coffee and church last sunday.  No people allowed in church again.  Another church in town is said to have a cluster of Covid.  Will see how many cars are there on sunday.  I wonder if it will matter to them?  And workers at several care homes in my town and the surrounding towns have not been vaccinated.  No shot means they should not work in public, especially around the elderly.  I have lost my patience with stupidity.  Period.

    No idea what is going on but I hurt in every joint of my body last night and today.  No amount of pain relieving ointment helped.  Going to have to get my walker out.  Even places I never or rarely hurt were painful.

    Home and worked on my photos and picked the ones to share.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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