Monday, November 22, 2021

Wandering, 22 november 2021

    What a day!!!  With no propane in my tank, I slept on the sofa with Nico under the covers.  Kisse roamed much more than I realised.  She was all over the house and on me many times. She finally picked a place to sleep.  She needed lots of loving for some reason.  We all were cold.  My little room heater could not keep up.  It tried.

    I called the propane office right after they opened.  They were here pretty quick.  The first guy said I had a leak somewhere.  Another guy would be here after lunch.

    Guys 2 and 3 got here around 1pm.  They were gone around 3pm.  Everything was relit and running.  Need to have my heater/AC guy come out but that is next week.  He is out of town for a few days.

    My stress level was super high.  I tried to nap but failed.  Guess I will sleep tonight.

    I treated myself to a rib eye steak for supper.  I almost put it in the freezer and glad I did not.  It was perfect.

    I know it got cold last night but never focused on the weather at all.  Windy tomorrow and wednesday.  Still have to decide what to do for Thanksgiving.  In my FB memories today were photos of eating at my son's.  They were so upsetting.  Husband still there and the grandkids who are not allowed to have contact with me for any reason.  If my kids are trying to hurt me they are doing a good job.  I usually do not think of them.  They are too toxic.  But once in a while it all hurts.  Karma is coming for them.

    Photos are some old ones with snow.  The first photo is a carving by my cousin.


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