Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wandering, 29 december 2021

    Good cold day.  Weather apps kept saying there was snow here, HA.  Radar showed snow.  HA.  Nada here.  Just cold.  I saw 17F early this morn.  The clouds were supposed to go away.  They never did.  Our high was 31F.  At least there was no wind.  We are in a warning for friday and saturday of rain, ice, and snow.  I will not get excited until I see it.  Already all those who hate snow have started being negavtive. 

    Today was a work day.  Still working on school district photos.  All day was Santa Fe School.  It was over near McPherson.  A larger school than some.  And tons of photos.  I made a collage of some of the kids I worked on today.  There is a photo of a little boy and little girl.  I have no idea if they were fighting or flirting but made me chuckle!  So sweet.

    Had a good visit with my 2 bosses.  One took my photo.  I will be on FB.  A friends granddaughter will be also.  She is adorable.  She got a real crown like St. Lucia.  And she had to wear it on december 13, the actual day.

    Had 2 helicopters fly over my house.  Loud!!!  Probably going home from the bomb range west of my house.  I have put up with all the noise ever since we moved in.

    Had supper at Jalisco's with JR and PM.  Good food and conversation.  JS just lives to carry out a fajita platter near me.  He will go out of his way to walk by me.  I hate those as the smoke hurts my nose!  Tonight he broke a record.  He carried out 3 at one time and they went behind me.  He was so proud!!  As I choked.  You just gotta love him!!

    We had 2-3 earthquakes yesterday.  The joy of living near a fault line and god knows what else!!  I rarely feel any of the little ones.

    Photos are the collage and wintry photos.




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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...