Monday, January 31, 2022

Wandering, 31 january 2022

     I did not have a good night.  No sleep.  Partly because Nico was just too restless.  And he kept standing/sitting on my feet.  That hurts me.  Then he got upset I told him to get off.  He thought I meant the bed.  We finally went to get a treat and then he was ok.  But I never relaxed.  My right leg hurt almost all night.  I finally gave up and went to the sofa.  No more pain.  And I slept pretty good.  And took a good nap.  I think the change in weather is affecting me also.

    It stayed sort of warm over night and today.  A little breezy.  The forecast is iffy.  I am in the area of up to 6 inches snow and wind.  There was ice forecast but it is now just for further south.  Good.  In 6 inches of snow and severe winter chill weather, I think I am home for a while.  I did order some groceries just in case. 

    It is fun to have lots of cattle around at least part of the day.  All calm and eating or resting.  Nico and I were outside and kept hearing one bird but no idea what it was.  Very far away so I could not see it.  The other night when Nico was outside,  I saw kitten eyes in my flashlight by the shed.  Cool.

    I never got my trash carried out.  Hopefully tomorrow.  If I hurt I rest.  Hopefully tomorrow at least what is in my house.  Before I have to trudge out in the snow!

    Photos today are some that I might have taken and I edited, some old snow shots, and a collage.  The collage is of our dog Jo ---- after she rolled in the grass!  She was a special dog.  I miss her.



Sunday, January 30, 2022

Wandering, 30 january 2022

    Had a pretty good day,  Slept fair.  Not too cold during the night or today.  Just normal pains.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco's for lunch.  They seemed busy.  JS said they were really busy yesterday.  I guess the Swedish Luau brought a lot of people to town.  Although there was no entertainment or anything.  An excuse to shop and eat out.  It was good to see my friends there.  All but one are special to me.  The other one I refuse to talk about.  I put up with him.  Barely.  I swear one wrong word and he and I are going out back.

    Cold weather comes tomorrow night.  Warm during the day.  Rain/snow starts tomorrow evening.  One place said our chances of snow is less.  Well, of course it is.  I need to turn the sound off during the weather.  They need to not speak of moisture until the day before.  I am no longer excited.

    All the photos today are ones I took today.  I talk about the cattle and they all were here today.  And I saw a hawk swooping low over the prairie grass.  Supper time for him!  Other photos taken in town.

    Photos:  The race car is my neighbour's car.  The restaurant is Jalisco's before the crowd got there.  My lunch is a burrito with sauce and queso and sour cream.  My stomach is touchy and this one never upsets me.  The blue house used to be a hospital. I was born in the upstairs.  The nursery was around to the left or south and had a bay window.  Poor Mom was almost bedfast for 2 weeks.  That is how they did it then.  Those workers would die now knowing you are up right away and maybe home the next day!!  Then the Sandzén Art Gallery.  He was a Swedish artist who made his home in Lindsborg.  He painted and taught at the our Bethany College.  The statue is Carl Aaron Swensson who founded our college.  In the summer there is water pouring out of the bottom of the statue into a pool.  The tan house is where I grew up.  If I dream of home, it is this house, not the one we moved to around 1960.  I still love this house and wish we had bought it.  Good memories in that neighbourhood.  Lots of kids to play with.  The hills are the other side of the hill I see from my house and photograph often.  There is another hill I missed.  Hard to get a good photo. Dangerous hill to stop on.  Then back home.



Saturday, January 29, 2022

Wandering, 29 january 2022

    We really got warm today.  It was 64 here at my farm.  Early afternoon the bulls on the north pasture by the driveway were lazy and just laying around.  The cattle on the south pasture by the driveway were actually here where I could see them.  They were laying around too.  Like spring fever.  Hope they soak of all the sun they can for the cold blast coming our way.  Poor babies.

    Nico and I sat out this afternoon.  He soaked up some rays too.  As I sat I could see birds flying quietly around my farm.  I saw 2 cows in the pond, at least on the edge.  Ice must be thin so they can break the ice to drink.  That can be dangerous when the ponds are frozen and the cattle thirsty.  They can try to break the ice and then fall in.  Unable to get back out can be dangerous for the poor cattle.

    Watching Mysteries of the Abandoned.  They are showing the most famous abandoned places in the world ---- a stadium where Ali and Forman boxed in Africa, a town built by Ford in South America where he wanted to produce his own rubber, a jail or two, where Mandela was jailed, and a huge complex built in Nuremberg for Hitler by Albert Speer.  Parts were never finished.  It was to be a center of Nazism.  Each thing they showed they gave history behind it.  The Nuremburg complex has a huge field that was a zeppelin landing field.  They had a video of it and all the people!  I would rather watch these kinds of shows than what the main channels offer.

    I slept ok last night and I had little pain.  I started with pain relieving cream.  I have one that has peppermint essential oil in it.  I love it but I cannot wear it outside the house.  Very strong smell!!  Sometimes my legs are just restless.  That cream stops it and relaxes me.  And if I have had a cold and have that lingering cough that just tickles and keeps on.  I rub some cream on my neck and the cough stops and I can breathe easily again.

    Photos today are some old ones.  Some are edited, some are winter, some from my farm, and one of me in Colorado.



Friday, January 28, 2022

Wandering, 28 january 2022

    I had a much better day today.  I slept really good last night thanks to modern medicine.  And had a nice nap too.  Even my pain is gone.  Just my usual aches and pains.  See how I feel when the new low is closer.

    Weather was a little warmer today --- 40s today and teens last night.  Tomorrow it will be 60F during the day.  Nice until tuesday.  Then ice and snow.  Maybe.  I can hope.  But if it is icy I am staying home.  I have no need to drive on icy roads.

    Oh, my fur kids.  The cat is sort of hiding in some packing paper she had claimed as hers.  The dog is ripping it in pieces.  Could be worse.  Not my stuff this time.  And all that paper is going to be gone tomorrow.

    While I was in pain I was reading some RA stuff.  One thing I learned is pain affects how you remember things or learn things.  What a relief.  I got scared I was just "old" or had alzheimers.  I feel a little better.  And people with RA can have symptoms of IBS.  Maybe my stomach is not just my gallbladder or my hernia.  Or all 3.

    My only pain is my left knee.  It aways hurts.  Hoping to get a shot in it at my next app't.  Or soon after.

    JR and I had supper at Jalisco's.  I think they were busy.  At least JS kept moving pretty fast and boxes of takeout foods headed for the front door.  I am glad they stay busy.  Would hate to lose my eating place!

    Tomorrow in town they are having a Swedish Luau.  At least it is warm for those who go.  I rarely attend any thing like this.  I won't go alone and just feel like an outsider so I skip things.  Maybe hurting myself but that is life.  The friends I did have are all gone.  And going alone to places just makes me go home upset.  I will just stay home.

    Covid is still raging.  Numbers are higher in my county and even one death.  But a doctor in Wichita thinks about what is happening there omicron might be starting to get less than now.  Are we closer to being over this particular variant?  But there is another new variant.  The country needs to be 75% vaccinated.  We are not close. At least not here.  I try to be caring to others but I find my heart not so caring to those who make no effort to help themselves or others.

    Photos are some black and white photos I have taken.  I like them.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Wandering, 27 january 2022

    Not a good day.  I should not even blog.  I will try to be positive.  I was supposed to meet my grandson for lunch.  But my right back and hip were extremely sore all last night.  No amount of pain killing creams worked.  I tried 3 different ones.  I got no sleep.  I even tried the sofa.  I finally wrote to him and cancelled.  Stupid RA.

    I got about 90 minutes of sleep late morning.  Kisse never curls up in bed with me.  And if she tries Nico lets her know he does not like it.  But this morning, she curled on me and stayed the entire nap while Nico was on the other side of me..  Like they knew I was hurting.  They helped.

    I slept this afternoon and my hip/back pain subsided and transferred to my left knee.  That is more normal pain.  Feel better with some sleep.  But I really missed having lunch out.  Later I hope.

    Weather was in the teens overnite and 40s today.  Will get in the 60s this weekend. THEN.  Tuesday arrives.  They are forecasting icy stuff then and snow on wednesday.  That is ok with me but I will not drive on icy roads.  I no longer have to be at work so I can chill at home.  On thursday and beyond is frigid cold again.  Wonder how close they will be?  So far we are in the moisture.  Hope that lasts.

    I was out with Nico and I heard one of my crows in the pasture.  If I go out in the late afternoon I see birds flying and picking out their nightly roosting spots.

    I have a couple of security cameras outside and I saw a rabbit on one.  So sweet!  I know something is on the porch sometimes but my doorbell camera is too high.  I plan to put one down low and see what visits us sometimes.  Will be fun!

    Photos today are from last november.  And one photo of my kids in bed with me.  They are on either side of my legs.  Photos are all taken by me.  The one with a pond and the clouds in it is merely an edit I did of my pasture.  I am not close enough to the real pond to take a real photo.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wandering, 26 january 2022

    Cold cold day.  Cold overnight.   The breeze came from the west around the house.  That was really cold.  Brrrr.  Now we warm up.  But chance of snow next tuesday and wednesday.  Ha.  Not here.  Everywhere else.

    I got little to no sleep last night.  Partly because Nico was hogging the bed.  And my right hip and leg hurt.  Why?  OK when I am up and about just laying in bed hurts.

    Nico was on the sofa just now.  He could just not find the right position.  I moved over more.  That did not help.  I left and went to the bed to lay on.  Now he knows how I feel!!

    Went to Jalisco's for supper.  They were busy.  PM joined us.  Good conversation.  Good to see my friends there.

    The lady I work with at the Old Mill was ill yesterday.  She told me to stay home even if she made it to work today.  I do not think she made it in.  Still not feeling up to par.

    I got word a friend who does not live here now has Covid.  I have no idea how bad it is.  Will not ask until they say something.  Hoping not too bad.

    In the county next to me hospital Covid admissions rate increased 40% in the last few days.  I still go to Jalisco's but no place else.  I cannot even imagine getting on an airplane or going to a huge concert or ball game.  You are just asking for trouble.  Especially where people refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated.

    Photos today are from my farm, our 2 dogs and my husband (in the truck), a junco and a flicker, and a bridge where I was in Sweden.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...