Wednesday, October 12, 2022

12 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had a good  & busy day!!!  Started a bit early.

    First my friend from Morocco needed some money sent to a business partner.  Morocco is hard to transfer money to & from.  So I helped.  Then Verizon put a hold on it.  Sheesh.  Then I was at work when I found out it was held.  I could not do anything then.  But the day got better.

    My boss at the Old Mill, LL, had two meetings today.  They were both in the basement so I could not do my work.  She wondered if I would be interested to work in the upstairs office taking care of customers.  I agreed!

    I usually go home at 4pm but today it was it 530!  It was fun!  I sold several things & checked two parties of campers into out camp ground.  And 3 people did tours.  I know I made errors but nothing that could not be fixed.  Next time will be better.  I like meeting people who come to visit out town.  And here the nice things they have to say.  At least I do not have to give tours.  It is a self guided tour.  Two buildings & an old town with authentic buildings, one of which was built in Sweden & donated to the college.

    The last man to come in was from Texas & rented a camping space.  We had a fun chat about farming, etc.  Before he left he actually told me I looked great --- hair is pretty, great makeup, nice scarf, & nice outfit.  Wow.  I told him he made my week.  Actually he made my month.  I am still beaming!  No one ever tells me I look nice like that.  A special moment.  Wish I had it on tape!!

    One of our new employees, AP, I do not know well.  We don't interact too often.  Today we actually joked with each other.  Nice moments.

    I had a phone call at work  It was Santa Claus!!!  Actually the man who plays Santa at Christmas at the Mill.  Sweet man!  Hope he sees that I get a gift but since we do not celebrate, my chances are pretty slim.

    Finally went home to take care of Nico.  Then back to get JR & head to Jalisco's for supper.  A nice realaxing supper.  Ahhhh.  JS was in a good mood even though he had some problems this morning.  We videoed at my work.  I worry about him.  Hope it all works out.  At supper he & I joked with a mutual friend on my phone.  Good evening.

    I have learned a new sentence.  I can now say in spanish "I will see you on friday".  Each new sentence is major for me.  I am a little slow so I should practice when in the car or somewhere alone.

    Really had nice weather.  Temps were 47F & 75F.  Wind really came up this afternoon.  We are in a fire warning area for a couple of days.  Cooler weather coming.  Great!

    Photos today are mostly autumn with a winter one or two.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...