Monday, November 21, 2022

21 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I feel better today.  No nausea.  Ate without a problem.  Good.

    I picked up groceries at Dillon's.  I believe in shopping local but when I cannot get what I want it is irritating.  And their app.  Sorry.  Stuff on it they do not have.  Grrrr.

    Still extra tired.  Long nap.  I even fell asleep last night without any medication.  That is unreal.

    I sat outside with Nico & Cinder for a while.  Almost 60F & no breeze.  They spent time cuddling each other.  Cute.

    One time outside I heard a couple of pheasants quite close to the house.  Probably in the tall weeds in the pasture.  I could not see them.

    Got lots of photos in FB memories that brought back old memories for me.  A photo from 1961 of Mom & her siblings.  It was taken in my grandparents home.  I remember that sofa so well.  It was brown & sort of furry.  And it was like Uncle Orin's hair when he was in the Marines!  When I was a toddler I got the measles.  ButI I broke out inside my body instead of on the outside.  We lived next door to Mom's parents so I was there daily.  Mom had a "sick person" blanket.  Pink & satin.  I loved it.  Dr. would come see me daily.  I was never in the hospital but I was really sick.  I always remember that sofa & blanket.

    I have been thinking of past holidays.  We always had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie.  Mom preferred not to make real whipped cream but she knew that was what Willie loved so we always had real whipped.  Mom always made Swedish brown beans.  Only she & I ate them.  Sooo good.  She made them in a cast iron pan.  Others would use her recipe but they never tasted the same.  Needed the right pan.  Seasoned to perfection.  Guess I should try them sometime.  The leftovers Mom would make chili out of.  Too good for words.  Oh, for one more holiday with them.  A restaurant is not the same.  And seeing all the family photos of others are downright painful for me.  And, I know.  No one cares.

    Photos today are winter & pre Christmas.  None are mine.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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