Thursday, November 24, 2022

24 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Had a good day.  Lots of memories floating around in my mind.  I am glad for all those who have a large group of family &/or friends for the holidays.  I do not begrudge them but am just sad of all I am missing that I used to have.  And I miss the me I used to be.  I will never be the same.  I lost Willie & that has really affected & changed me & my life.  I lost both of my kids plus 2 grandkids.  How & why I lost them is much worse than being without them.  Then 3 chronic diseases to deal with.  I miss family gatherings but that is life.  Things always change.  I almost cried once today but feel much better tonight.  I realise I am lucky just in different ways.

    I slept sort of well, just fell asleep late.  Tried to nap but woke up early.  But that was a good thing.  I got ready for supper & Nico & I sat outside with Cinder.  A nice moment I needed.  So did they.

    My brother, PM, & I ate at the Happy Swede that served a complete Thanksgiving meal.  My first photo is of it.  We all three agreed it was the best Thanksgiving meal we have ever had.  Perfect!  I had part of my food & part of JR's food to take home.  I will eat good this weekend!!  I am so thankful for those two men & just thinking of their friendship & spending the meal with them made me feel so good.  No more tears.  I do not need family that does not want me.  Their loss.

    There was a huge group in the next room.  No idea who they are.  They were there long before us & still there when we left.  They were all into a football game on the TV.  Fun!

    When I got home I shared a snack with Nico & Cinder.  Kisse does not like people food.  

    Lots of Christmas lights in town already.  Downtown is all white lights.  Time to capture photos.  I love Christmas lights.  I look forward to a special place in Salina.  Wish someone could drive me through.  I cannot take photos as there is too much traffic.  JR gets lots of good photos.  But I have no one to ask to drive me.  Willie used to drive us there.  Miss those times.

    Photos tonight are Thanksgiving photos.  None are mine except the first one.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...