Thursday, December 15, 2022

15 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Quiet, uneventful day.  Waiting on grandsons to come out.  Sounds like they are on the way.  I have both fur kids in the bedroom.  Hopefully they get here soon or I will have to turn them out.  But for now it is peaceful.  I can sit where I want on the sofa!  Did get a short nap.    

    Slept good last night.  But no idea what happened while I was sleeping.  Got up to take Nico out & the blanket was turned all around!  Must have been quite  dream!

    I watched Disney A Christmas Carol last night.  It was excellent.  Great effects.  I loved every minute of it.  Watching an old version on sunday.  Not the original though.

    Finished the Harry & Meghan documentery.  Very interesting.  I have a lot of feelings about it but will keep them to myself.  No one cares or I will get made fun of.

    I got my water heater.  One grandson delivered it with his girlfriend.  It is an interesting heater.  Will see if it is ok  If it does not work out, will replace it & have him buy me one & replace it.  Been an interesting afternoon.  Needed new connections so will finish tomorrow.

    I put both fur kids in the bed room.  Nico did not care other than barking when he heard strange noises.  Kissekatt went crazy after I let her out.  Racing around!!

    Photos today are mostly of snow plus one from a Swedish church of where you light candles for others.  When I was in Sunnemo Sweden there was a very old lady lighting a candle.  She had to be in her 80s.  She said to me in Swedish "for my mother".  I got tears.  The Swedish sounds much like the English.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...