Friday, February 17, 2023

17 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A quiet day with the extreme of temps.  Not good.  I saw 13F & then 49F.  Slight breeze.  Warmer & much windier tomorrow.  Ick.  Where is February weather?

    I slept ok last night.  Cinder snuggled with me all night.  So did Nico.  Kisse was very close to my bed ---- in the chair next to my bed.  She likes the blankets.  She has not slept in my bed for years.  I think she is picky about anyone moving.

    I had grocery stuff delivered by Amazon.  Several things were heavy --- cat litter, cat food, etc.  I would have given anything to have someone help me carry them in.  Could not leave them out as raccoons can smell food through cardboard.  Maybe steel too!!  I did not want a mess to clean up!  I got it all inside & put away.  Hope without damage to any joints.

    No Jalisco's tonight.  JR had plans & I decided just to stay home.  No fun to sit alone.  I could have gone to Salina to a drive through.  Too lazy to go. Maybe eat out tomorrow evening.

    No texting or anything today.  I hate to bother anyone who works.  Their free time is precious.  When I get told not to bother at certain times,  I learn not to bother.  Their peace of mind is better than how I feel.

    Photos are things around where I live.  The first photo is the sweetest little tree that was in the ditch near my drive.  But someone had to ruin it.  Very sad to see.  All raggedy.

    The second photo was a party sign near where I live.  I have no idea where the party was or why.  I was not invited.  Not had even one invite since Willie died.  No surprise.

    People who live not too far from me have goats.  Cool.  If I stop for photos sometimes I can hear them.

    Birds are the awful black birds we have.  They swarm in huge numbers.  They chase little birds away from feeders.  And the turkeys are cool.  Used to have groups in my yard, but no more.  They liked the wheat that Willie cleaned out of the combines.  But no wheat here anymore.  Makes me sad.  They were fun to watch.

    Last photo are hedge balls.  Every year there is at least one that gets caught somewhere on the tree when falling.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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