Friday, June 30, 2023

30 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had no sleep last night.  Nada.  I finally gave up around 7am & got up.  Shampooed my hair & styled it.  Then read my emails, etc.  Got a couple of hours of sleep before lunch.

    Before my afternoon nap my stomach got upset.  Not the worst it has been but unpleasant.  I took some stomach meds & went to sleep.  When I got up it was about the same but I did get some sleep.

    I had my heart set on Swedish pancakes for supper but cancelled.  I always feel guilty when I do something just for me.  Like I should only do for others.  Does seem to be like that often.  But there is no way I would go out to eat in public feeling like I did.

    I am now in a severe storm forecast for about 6 hours.  Awesome clouds outside to the SW.  See if we actually get something.

    I played doctor last night & put my arm/shoulder symptoms on Amazon.  I feel like my rotator cuff is torn but it is not.  If it was I would really be suffering.  My RA doctor has checked it.  They have a brace & I ordered it.  Comes sunday.  Hope it helps.

    Kisse was sitting by a window with trees.  A little bird came zooming in towards the window & landed on a near branch!  She thought she was dead!!  She ducked & stayed hunched over!  Gave her something to think about & look at!

    I ordered new cheap shoes just to wear just at home.  They came today.  I like them!  I am sharing a photo of them.  I might even wear them when I eat out!

    Nico was good until tonight.  He just cannot let me write my blog in peace.  He stole shoes & socks.  He cannot chew up things I use.

    Tomorrow my bestie JS gets married.  Just writing it brings tears to my eyes.  I should be there.  He plans to call me tomorrow sometime.  Very nice of him.  If I only had a normal life I would be there, but I know of no one who really thinks about how I feel.  I am the giver to others.  Does not always work in my favor.  JS hopes I can come see him later.  I doubt it.  Maybe by bus or train.  Won't be by car.  HA! 😡

    I went to get the mail & when I got back to the house a turkey vulture came swooping in to the back yard to his spot on the top of a light pole.  Maybe the king.  They are cool birds.

    Photos today are of European doors & my shoes.  I love doors.  I need to drive around town & get photos of doors.  We have some cool ones.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

29 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Camera Day

    Not a lot of sleep last night.  Just not sleepy.  Like usual.  I had plans of some things to do, but no energy.  And too much pain.  Hopefully tomorrow or sunday.
    Emotionally I am feeling better.  That is nice but painwise I am much worse.  I often have pain in my upper arms/shoulders.  The left is always worse.  It was bad at work.  And continued at home & all night.  It is the arm I lift the scanner open with.  My RA doctor is aware of this pain & has offered an injection to help with pain & swelling.  I am about there.  See if I can wait until my next appointment.  Or I will call her.
    Our weather was awful again.  I saw 101F here again.  Humidity was not bad though.  Cooler tomorrow & the weekend.  I have trouble just sitting outside while Nico is out but chasing him has about done me in!  Explain later.  So all you wonderful "I want weather the hotter the better" people who do not care about people like me can just be thrilled.   Did not feel good for a while.
    Just had Nico outside & he immediately lunged at something & pulled his leash out of my hand.  I almost had him but he took off.  I sat & watched.  He went clear out to the beginning of the drive way by the pasture fence.  It sort of looked like his leash was caught on something, so I slowly trudged off to get him.  But he was not caught.  The grasses were thick & think that slowed him down.   And the heat also.  So he just let me pick up his leash.  And home we went.  He was a bit speedier than me.  Cinder was out with us.  And stayed out.  Stupid cat.  Feels good in here.
    My house never gets cooler than 76F.  The AC never shuts off.  UGH!  I was pleased the other day.  The propane truck was here & I needed none.  Yay!!  Only use it for winter heat.  Saves me a ton of money.
    My nephew is done cutting his wheat but he is helping two other people finish thiers.  Country people do that.  A good thing.  Sometimes happens in small towns too.
    A quiet day & talked to no one.  A normal day.  Loneliness makes me sad.
    Photos are ones that kind of show how awful our weather is.  Except for the lovely winter photo.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

28 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Slept good last night.  The house was cool enough.  And Cinder snuggled part of the night.  I needed that.

    Today was a work day.  I was glad to feel good so I could be there!  I miss my co-workers when I am not there.  I am still working on the same book of photos.  I should have been finished with it 2-3 weeks ago but it takes forever to scan each photo.  I played a game on my iPhone all afternoon.  I had lots of free time.

    The weather was downright horrible today.  I saw 101F this afternoon but it felt like 105F.  The humidity was almost 70% this morning then it dropped this afternoon.  It was miserable.  I dreaded having to walk to the car.

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's. MA's parents went back to Mexico to be with his brother.  I sure miss them.  Really nice people.  He asked if I was invited to JS's wedding.  I am, of course but I cannot go because I do not think I am well enough to go alone.  I have no one to ask.  People have lives, etc. & cannot change their routine for me.  That would be unheard of.  And I need someone to help me drive that far.  Or to take over if I feel too sick or tired.  What if my fatigue hit me in the middle of nowhere.  I have made peace with the fact I will never drive to Arkansas or Denver or anywhere far away.  I cannot walk through an airport unless I have someone who can help.  I am aware of that.  Sad true facts.  I almost cried in Jalisco's talking or thinking about the wedding & my best friend.

    After I got home I wrote a note to JS.  I had some gossip to share with him!  I told him not to call me.  He is too busy with the wedding & having to get up at 4am for work.  But he did call.  We chatted gossip!  So awful!  Like two old ladies!!  I apologised for not being with him on saturday.  But he said I have to text him on saturday because he wants to talk to me on his wedding day.  I am surprised.  I threatened to text him every hour until he answered.  He just laughed.  I cried when we hung up.  No doubt I will cry most of saturday.

    I went to the cemetery to check on Willie's grave.  I did not get out of the car but I should have.  Think his flowers looked different.  Go back on friday.  He has been on my mind with harvest.  Missing him & harvest.

    Photos are just flowers.  I took none of them.  And sorry I whined about my life.  I am awful!


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

27 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Last night was ok.  I was mostly just restless.  No reason for it.  Pain was better.  Just one arm hurt.

    Something tipped one of my trash bins over during the night.  Dang.  Wild animals never surprise me.  Trash guys picked most of it up.  I am sure they were thinking "not my job!"

    Just a quiet day.  Just home.  I should have went to the pharmacy but will go tomorrow.  Go to work a bit early.  Need fuel also.

    Much cooler today & low humidity.  And cloudy with a nice breeze.  Had a chance for rain just now but it missed us.  Tomorrow we are over 100F.  I can hardly wait.  I hate summer.

    Photos are coffee cups or hot chocolate.  None are mine.


Monday, June 26, 2023

26 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate Pudding Day

    I slept ok last night. Except my leg pains are back & now with both arms in pain.  No bueno.
    Better weather today.  Got up in the 80s but the humidity was in the 20s instead of in the 70s.  Plus we had a nice breeze.  Good to enjoy it today.  Will disappear soon.  Wednesday & thursday are to be over 100F.  For joy! 😡
    I had to get ready for trash tomorrow.  Good day for it.  Both bins are full.  Was an easy day.  Nico was out while I worked.  Cinder showed up also.
    I had just come in the house when I heard a loud cat scream!  I found the neighbour's black cat near the porch.  Cinder was hiding under a chair.  I cleared her a path to the house & opened the door.  She rushed in & ignored food & water to hide under my bed.  She is out now but wants nothing.  Including going back outside.  Poor baby.  That cat is gorgeous but he is mean sometimes.
    Think our Chinese restaurant is finally open again.  Good.  They were doing some remodeling before opening.  Anxious to go back!
    Nico is not happy.  All the things he wants to get into have been moved.  Just bored.  Sleeping on the floor now.  Kisse is next to him on an old dog toy.  Her new favorite spot to lay.
    Harvest continues but no idea how close they are to being done.  There is a storm or two in the forecast.  Need to be done before that happens.
    Quiet day.  No communication with anyone.  Just a normal day.
    Photos are all farm scenes that I ran through Lightroom.  All are here where I live.  I took them all except the snowy one.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

25 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Strawberry Parfait Day

    Slept ok last night.  The awful hip/leg pain I had for a couple of days was gone.  Great!  Felt better all day.  Had a nice nap in the afternoon.
    What a shock.  I had a text from JS when I got up today.  I wrote him 2 days ago & was ignored until today.  It hurts.  But this is not the first good friend I have lost to them moving away.  And it always goes sort of the same way.  They always say "we will always be in touch", ad nauseum.  But the truth is they move on to a wonderful life & new friends/family.  They are busy & happy.  They forget.  I am stuck here in the same old, same old life & miss them but it does not matter.  It hurts me but not them.
    Much less humidity today.  Nice to be outside.  BUT.  Tonight after getting home I did not stay out long.  Mosquitoes.  I sprayed around where I sat but they were still there.  Better in.  Hate summer.
    JR & I had supper at Pizza Hut.  Good pizza.  Then a cherry SnoCone for dessert.  Awesome!
    My left wrist is swollen.  That is not RA.  It is osteoarthritis.  And it hurts at times.  If it gets really bad I can have an injection.  Thinking about it.  Not constant pain yet.  And there is a wrist brace I can order that might help.  Going to check that out.
    Photos today are from a sunflower site I like & a free site.  I did edit them all.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

24 june, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 International Fairy Day

    Really hot & humid.  Even Nico was puffing to just be out & not playing or anything.  Me too.  Our high was 97F.  Humidity was around 60%.  No bueno.  The AC has run all day & the temp has not changed one iota inside.  Great ole Kansas summer. 😡
    Very quiet day.  Only heard a personal message from 1 grandson & a text from my grandniece.  And nothing from others or just non-personal stuff.  Hard being alone & left out of life.  I am in a minority of 1 who care.
    I think the oriole has a nest in the tree by my house.  He is always there & such a beautiful loud song.  Not out long enough today to hear anything else.
    Have some things to pick up outside but it will wait until tomorrow or monday.  Maybe beg for help.  Or struggle to do it alone.
    My nephew is trying to cut wheat today.  I won't ask how it is going.  Just leave that alone!!
    Photos are all from Sweden's Midsommarsdag from a free site.  I edited them a little.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...