Tuesday, August 22, 2023

22 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


Show your love and kindness on Be An Angel Day - spread joy, lend a helping hand, or surprise someone with an unexpected gift!

    Again, nothing much to blog about.  Did mostly nothing.  I managed to get to Salina to pick up groceries.  I was out of a couple of things I needed.
    I feel ok but I cannot quit coughing.  Driving was a challenge.  It is constant.  And worse when I talk or eat.  Almost lost my lunch today from coughing.  What fun.  At night if I take my anxiety pill, I can sleep without a lot of coughing.  But I can only take it once a day.  And my dr counts how many I use in a month.  Cannot cheat.  Would help if I could.  My cough meds are not helping much.
    After much thought, I have cancelled all of tomorrow.  I have papers to sign at my accountants so hope I can get in & out quickly.  I feel guilty but I am so tired from coughing all day & part of the night.  And do not want to sit at work hacking away.  How irritating.
    The status quo of my life is getting heavy to bear.  Had a photo from MM & photos from CF's girlfriend.  And LL & I texted for a long time after supper.  She is a blessing.
    We got up to 107 today & broke a record set in 1918.  Three more hot days until it cools off a bit.
    Trash picked up today.  I carried nothing out.  Too hot.  I just did not care.  And I did not want to bother my nephew to come help.  He has too much to do.  And if JR was going to help I would end up driving 40 miles to get him, etc.  Gas is too expensive.  Either do it myself or it does not get done.
    Photos are some I played with.  Nothing special but fun to be creative.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...