Tuesday, November 7, 2023

07 november, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Hug a Bear Day 😊

Today's Name Day is Ingegerd

    I am in little better mood today.  No tears.  Weather is still irritating my RA.  Lots of pain but I can walk better.
    Nico must feel better today.  I think he is losing his eye sight.  I was told this might happen.  I ordered some medical liquid from Amazon.  Surely won't hurt him.  Have a vet who cannot help him hurts the most.  Even if it helps just a little that will be nice.  Get it tomorrow.
    Nico & I sat outside for a long time this afternoon.  Cinder was a with us.  I took dozens of photos of them together.  They will be special later on.  Got some nice ones.  I used Baazart to remove Nico's leash.  Makes for nicer photos.  He used to go outside without a leash but he at some point of he started running off & would not mind me or come back.  I was always outside but did not matter.  Now there are just too many dangerous things out there --- bob cats, big dogs, coyotes, even mountain lions nearby.  Or the cattle if he roams in the pasture.
    After lunch today I went to Falun to vote.  Sort of a waste of time.  Voting on school board.  I only knew one of them.  And one had no address.  How can you run for the school board with no address?  Sheesh.  Took me less than 10 minutes to vote.
    Pretty nice weather.  Warm with a nice breeze. Cooling off tonight & then cooler weather is here.  We have around 0% chance of rain this week.  Nice.  I had not emptied my rain gauge for a while.  I need to look more often! There was 3 inches in it!!!  Had more than I realized.
    Cinder stayed home last night.  Saved me a panic attack!  Came in to sleep in "her" recliner!!  First time in she was in bed with me.
    A couple of days ago I had someone who  had common ancestors with me.  Back in the 1500s.  That is rather special.  To find someone connected to me that long ago.  Even though a long long time ago, I am still part of them.  And they are part of me.  Very cool.  And I always learn something about that time in the world or country or both.  Learning is always good.
    I heard from both grandsons & photos of my great grandson.  That always make my heart swell!  He is so special!  I am so lucky.
    Photos today are of Swedish tomtes & most are Christmassy photos.  Love them.  I wanted something light hearted.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...