Saturday, March 2, 2024

03/2024 Lördag the 2nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Old Stuff Day

Kind of appropriate as the art show I worked at the art was mostly very old art.

Today's Name Day: Erna, Ernst

    What a great day!!  I wish I had more of them!!  I worked at the SVAFC.  Lots of visitors but no one to let me in.  Hmmm.  Easy fix.

    There is an artist who went to college here then moved to Alaska.  Now years later he is moving back here part time.  He is an awesome artist.  His birthday is monday so there are many Alaskan people in town to celebrate it.  Plus other artists that used to live here.  Nice to see them again.  And to be remembered.

    My fave artist & person was sitting outside of the studio smoking so I went out & sat with him.  Nice weather so good to be outside.  Nice visit.  And then others joined us.  I stayed out until some went inside.  Then so did I.  And to think I was upset I brought nothing to do all afternoon.  😁  The time was full.

    I got photos of all the art.  The show is our yearly Lindsborg Connects art show.  Anyone local person can show a piece of art they own.  Always a good show.  Fun art!  My nephew KN's uncle always does a large piece of art in metal. Love his work.  Nothing shown there is for sale.  Privately maybe but not during the show.

    While sitting outside I took odd little photos of Main Street.  Those are my photos today.

    Tomorrow there is some food for those who have art in the show.  A thank you treat.  And there are pies to eat.  And a birthday celebration.  And tons of people!!  I might have to skip going out to supper.  Hate to miss any fun.

    I could not decide if I should eat at home, take something home, or eat in town.  I ate in town.  It was the quickest.  Then I can just relax here.

    When I got home I was met with a new baby calf & mom.  I took a photo of them & sent it to KN.  He was next to them tagging the baby's ear before I got to my house.


    Weather was quite warm.  I saw 72F.  It was nice.  I sat outside with Cinder when I got home too.  Lots of people walking around town.  Nice for a change.  Be the same tomorrow.
    The weather maybe nice but I have hurt foar 3 days, with each day worse than the one before.  I can barely walk today.  And bilateral hands/thumbs are killing me.  Even applying deodorant is a challenge.
    Photos today are from Main Street.

Bar detail

Senior Center & bakery.

Bar, Öl Stuga.

Old art studio next to our bar.


Newpaper office next to the SVAFC.

Down the block near the White Peacock & the new bakery.

Where I worked today.  SVAFC.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...