Monday, April 8, 2024

04/2024 Måndag the 8th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Solar Eclipse in North & South America 

Today's Name Day: Nadja, Tanja

    Had a sort of bad night but an ok day.  My stomach decided that supper did not agree with it around bedtime.  Then Cinder drove me crazy.

    Cinder was in bed & out of bed dozens of times last night.  I have no idea why.  We would cuddle & then she would leave.  All night until around 5am.  Back & forth.  I would almost fall asleep & then she would wake me up.  Do eclipses affect animals?  She prefers I lay on my left but I got tired of laying that way.  I would think she was laying elsewhere & turn over the other way & here she would be again!  Very frustrating!!  She went out around lunch & stayed out all day.  I got a nice nap that way.

    Cinder came in for supper, ate & is now napping somewhere.  Kisse is sleeping somewhere also

    I did not attempt to see the eclipse.  Just did not care.  Enough photos on FB to see what it was like.  The Old Mill had an Eclipse Party in their yard.  Would have been fun to be there!  Lots of gatherings.

    On the news they showed people who got married outside just before the Eclipse.  And one lady had her baby at the same time.  Not planned.  They named her Sol, meaning Sun.  Cool.  Lots of traffic to the cities that had the best view.  The next solar eclipse here is in 2044.  Long time away.

    I had a few more texts today.  Helps when I am home alone.  I cancelled an eye appointment & rescheduled.  Could not drive when so tired.  Thanks Cinder!!

    Our historical group missed a meeting so they have scheduled an extra one tomorrow.  I will not stay for the program.  We meet too early & hard to eat supper so early.

    I watched Wonka last night.  I liked it.  Good movie.  Just what I like!  Reminded me a lot of the Santa Christmas movies that I like.

    Photos today are some I have taken in the past.



Sunflowers I edited

Play on words of my favorite song

Odd pattern on my bedroom curtain.  Thought it was cool

Dala Horse in town in memory of a friend of mine

Art show of my friend John's art

Neighbour's barn in the fog

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...