Friday, July 12, 2024

07/2024 Fredag the 12th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Collector Car Appreciation Day

We have a local group who are in town once a week.  Yesterday they were at out local nursing home for the residents to see them.

Today's Name Day: Herman, Hermine

    I wrote no blog last night. I had a disaster in my house & was too upset.  And no one to help until today.  KN was out of town,  I survived.  But I was super stressed & had lots of trouble sleeping.  Cinder must have sensed that.  She cuddled often with me during the night.  She is a blessing.

    Cinder has decided my lunch meat is a delicacy she likes to eat.  The minute I am in the kitchen she is close to me.  I feed her one slice.  Happy cat!!!

    I was unable to go to work today.  KN & CN came to see what needed to be done to fix my disaster,  Took a trip to Salina but all is well at the moment.  I always wonder what I did as a child or adult or in a past life to be punished in this life.  Often.  When I believed in religion I used to pray for forgiveness often.  It never worked.  I know better now.

    Hot day today.  I was up at 9am & the humidity was at 65%.  It was miserable outside!!!  Dropped later.  I saw 101F this afternoon,  Worse tomorrow,  I thought about working tomorrow but too hot to get out.

    During my disaster I managed to get my hair shampooed.  Barely.  Not sure my new shampoo is working.  Itching feels worse,   Dang.

    Got my new food from an online site.  Had my first meal tonight.  I followed directions but I cooked it too long.  What I had to eat was good.  Try much less microwave time tomorrow.  Live & learn.  I had roast beef with mashed potatoes & gravy.  Might have ordered it twice.  I hope.  Will report again,

    I got a load of wash done.  I only dry clothes in the house so when they are dry I can do another one.  Wish I had an outside clothesline.  I think Mom had one of the round ones but there is no one to put it up for me.  Oh well.  I tried asking but got ignored.

    Today is my granddaughter's birthday.  I don't get to see her often anymore.  I have ideas why but not sure,  And her job has her travel to other  states.  I do some photos of her travels.  She is a beautiful young lady!  And I have great memories when they lived close and were here of often.  Miss those times.

    Photos tonight are of a variety of large cities at night.  No clue what cities now.  Just pretty photos.


Nico & Cinder.  They truly were best friends.  I know she misses him outside.  Kisse was sort of left out.  I feel sorry for her.  She now comes in bed with me if Cinder is asleep elsewhere.


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10/2024 Tisdag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Hero Day Today's Name Day: Nils      Just a rest day for me.  I mostly had little pain overnight until this morning it starte...