Wednesday, July 10, 2024

07/2024 Onsdag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Chronic Disease Day

How well I know about this.  I juggle 4 major chronic diseases & a couple of minor ones.  Not easy.  I try to rest when I need to & skip working when it is too much for me.  And I try to not complain.  Probably do more whining on my blog than anywhere.  Certainly not to most anyone in person.  There are a couple of friends that will ask how I am if I seem to be struggling.  Others never care enough to ask.  Whether family or not.

Today's Name Day: André, Andrea

    Had a good day today. Up early after sleeping off & on. Better than usual. Makeup comes first. Then a few minutes to read email, etc. Lunch is next. Then a rush to dress & fix my hair. If I am up early enough I can go out for lunch but no time today.
    At work I finished the folder with "B" last names & started on the "C" last names.  The tiny photos drive me crazy.  They slide all over & drop on the floor.  I have started sorting the photos by sizes.  I do the tiny ones first.  Then when I am done with them I collect them all in one photo cover to keep them all together.  I actually got them all done today.  It was so close to closing time.  Whew!!!  I did good!!!
    Supper was mexican food.  Very good.  I had the Burrito Jalisco with cheese & sour cream.  Then a snow cone for dessert.  I was out of a couple of food things so to the grocery store.  I have started to order food online that is all prepared.  I just heat.  My first order comes sometime tomorrow.  I am excited. Will report tomorrow how they are.
    Hot again today.  Our high was in the 90s.   This weekend it will be over 102F & as hot as 105F.  Usch.  (Very old Swedish word I like)
    Last night when I got home it was so nice outside.  No wind, no bugs, no heat.  Cinder liked having me near.  She played climbing things.  She misses having Nico to play with.  I called my nephew.  I noticed that my entire yard was all mowed.  Now nice.  Will keep track of what I owe my great nephew.  He is a sweetheart.
    Photos tonight are of flowers, etc. I took today.

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10/2024 Onsdag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Leif Erickson Day Today's Name Day:  Inger, Ingrid     Had a great day.  Slept pretty good.  Except for Cinder waking me once trying to ...