Saturday, July 13, 2024

07/2024 Lördag the 13th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Christmas in July

Today in my town we celebrate Christmas in July.  Lots of activities including water & soap suds for snow in the park.  This photo is a collage of old photos from past celebrations.

Today's Name Day: Joel, Judit

    I just stayed home today. Poor sleep last night. Cinder & Kisse stayed close.  Cinder went outside when I got up.  But after my lunch she was back in.  And we napped together.  Always good for me.  And hope for her. 
    After our naps, Cinder wanted out & when she went out I saw some machinery in the pasture.  I got my camera & sat out with Cinder in the heat.  She liked having me out with her.  Misses Nico, like I do.  I took photos.  Nephew KN was in his 4 wheeler watching my great nephew CN drive the tractor with a mower attached.  CN loves the tractor but is just too young to do chores like this alone.  Safety is important.  But I took photos & had to tease KN he was getting a lot like his grandfather!  CN is going to be a great farmer.  Nice to know  the Neywick farm will go on in the future.
I did not stay out too long,  Just too hot.  High humidity early morning.  This afternoon I saw a temp of 101F.  Ish.  Tomorrow is forecast to be 105F.  Yuck.
    Turned my tv on at 5pm & was quite surprised to see the news that Trump had been shot.  The shooter & a man shot in his head both died.  Others were injured.  Sad event.  It is a free for all who can have guns in the US.  Two states even have machines where you can buy ammunition in public.  What could possibly go wrong?  I wish I had the money to move to another country where I would feel safer.  This election just gets worse & worse,  Anyone who posts nasty comments on anything poitical I post will have them deleted.  And maybe them also.  We all can have our opinions but nothing nasty.  Grow up.  All that crap is what causes what happened today.
    Photos today are all Christmas in July photos.


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