Respect for Parents Day
Photo is my brother, our dad, our mom, & me. How I miss them & having family. Lonely times. I was a parent but after my 2 kids did me wrong, I had to set boundaries. They want nothing to do with me. And for my physical safety & emotional safety I am just fine with that.
Today's Name Day: Per
I had a fun lunch planned but my RA flared & I had to cancel. There is always something. It gets old. But too much pain for me to do anything but rest. Tired of being alone.
I got no sleep until this morning & then a nice nap. But I hurt everywhere. I hurt in places I did not know I had. From my head to my feet I hurt. And all inbetwee. No bueno. 😞
The storm we had last night was much worse than it was just here. Salina had lots of damage & loss of electricty.. Still working on getting power back on. And the damage went on east of there. I saw a couple of mobile homes. Scares the shit out of me. One lady lost all she had & said she & her kids were staying with family. Lucky her. I have no family to stay with or get much support from other than a grandson & my nephew. But I cannot take advantage of them. They have work & families. Guess I will live in my car & hopefully with my cats. Fun, huh???
I do look on the FB marketplace at houses for sale. Maybe I should just buy one & move away. Then a storm would hit there!!! Just my luck!!! 😱. But there are some that are not too expensive that would be ok. Wonder how fast I can get one in an emergency. Hopefully not in Lindsborg. Not at home there any more. Not part of the city. I worry about things before they happen. I have mentioned my worries to a couple of people. Got almost laughed at by one person & sort of a non worried comment by the other. Sure makes a difference how you feel when you have a your own house. Easy to be secure. Cannot remember that long ago.
Stress!! I should just take my anxiety pill daily. Doctor would get upset but maybe I would feel better.
Cooler today. At my house it was 93F for a high. And very low humidity. Very nice. Made Cinder happy. She came in for lunch & back out.
It is really odd. Someone I have been friends with for a long time is no longer my friend. Why? I saw his life is a mess but I am not part of that. Shit. Sad. Still friends with his parents.
Work tomorrow. Hope I can stagger in to the Old Mill basement. Then I can lounge all weekend. And hurt if I must. Will tell no one or bother anyone. People are to busy.
For photos today I chose snowy photos to help those of us stuck here under the Dome of Heat feel cooler. Hahaha!
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