Friday, September 6, 2024

09/2024 Fredag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Lazy Mom's Day

I might not be a mom any more but I am lazy!!!  I am an expert at it!!

Today's Name Day: Lilian, Lilly

    Not my best day today.  Got no sleep last night.  It was one of those "If I go to sleep now I will be ok" nights. Never happened.  And on top of no sleep, my hip became instensely sore & got a bad headache.  And of course, I have nothing to take for pain.  Why would any one give me a pain med. Be too easy. I stayed home from work.  Tried to nap this afternoon.  A poor nap.  Cinder came in to nap & went out now after supper.

    The company where I get 2 of my meds called.  I was scared I had done something wrong.  But everyone was super nice.  They asked if I got needles for my insulin.  Nope.  Never did.  Well they are at my doctor's in Hutch.  Will get them on monday.  Have to bring my car in to Assaria for some minor adjustment.

    Had an early morning text from MM worried about his looong day of the week!!!  Bartends at 2 bars.  Plus one has a BBQ. meal tonight.  Be fun to go sometime.  Should just go & find a table somewhere in a corner & just people watch while I eat.  He did bring food to me one time after a special meal there.  It was awesome!!  I am not used to being special.  Kind of nice.

    Weather was ok.  In the 80s.  Too warm.  Cooler tomorrow I think,  Does not matter.  I am home alone again.  There was rain last evening.  A town 30 minutes south of me got 2 iches of rain.  We got out usual 0.01 inch.  Never make the news like other towns.  Supposed to be pretty cool tonight  Hope that helps me sleep.

    Did some photo editing.  I enjoy that.  Got a really cool couple of apps that are fun to use

    The names for today mean something special to me.  My mother-in-law was Lillie (Lilly).  Lillian was my step grandmother & several other relatives.  Cool when they mean something to me.

    Catching up on one late night show.  Host is back from his vacation.  Good show.

    Photos tonight are half edited ones & the other half are "sweater weather' themed from a free site.


Cool gazebo.

Painting of Ling Auditorium that was in Lindsborg until it burned down.  Many many years ago.  This was painted by my friend John.  Love it.

All of our Dala häst (dala horses) lined up.

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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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