Thursday, September 5, 2024

09/2024 Torsdag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Cheese Pizza Day

Prefer mine with hamburger, bacon, & extra cheese with a hand tossed crust.

Today's Name Day: Adela, Heidi

    Just a quiet day at home.  No activities but to rest.  No communication with anyone.  Like many other days.  Sigh.......

    Slept pretty good.  Cinder snuggled now & then.  At one point Kisse curled up by my feet & Cinder was on my shoulder.  Unusual but I liked it.  Glad they can get along sometimes.

    When it was naptime Cinder was ready to come back in.  She snuggled on my chest a few times.  I don't always feel her if I am sound asleep.  Used to her, I guess.  She just went out.  She did let me eat my supper though.

    Supper was a new soup I ordered.  Had chicken & wild rice.  Love the rice.  Very good.  Will order again.  Ended with a chocolate chip cookie.  Mom always called them chip chocolate cookies.  No idea why.  When Mom died, my sweet little granddaughter just could not attend her funeral.  Too upset.  But she baked some chip chocolate cookies & put some on her grave.  I get tears remembering.

    There was to be a cold front today.  Well, not here.  Stayed to the west.  It was 90F before lunch.  Huh???  No bueno.  Rain stayed west also.  Now some rain in my area but sure as rain it willl NOT rain here.  No rain next week, but there is a small maybe.  HA.

    Last night I laid in bed on FB surfing & finding lots of Ron White reels & Elvis reels.  Nice way to relax,  Today I have caught up on some political sites on SnapChat.

    Play with some editing apps but not too many.  Photos have a few in them & a couple of other photos.


This is actually a photo I took of 2 friends, changed to a pencil sketch & then ran it through an app I like.  Looks nothing like them!

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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Do Something Nice Day In a matter of seconds, we hold the power to change the course of a person's day by being nice. The per...