Saturday, September 7, 2024

09/2024 Lördag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Beer Lover's Day

This is honor of Willie.  He loved beer for many years.  I never did.  Gives me a headache.

Today's Name Day: Kevin, Roy

    Another very quiet day.  Very few texts.  Tis my life.

Cinder slept with me off & on all night.  Plus she had control of the chair/blanket.  Kisse slept on my bed often during the night.  I like that.  And she is better about me turning or getting comfy instead of leaving.

    Weather was super nice.  Low in the 50s.  Our high was 75.  If it would just stay this way.  I slept good in the cool air.  Now it is 66 outside.  Feels good outside.  Scant chance of rain this next week as we get drier & drier.  Awful.  I would hate to plant wheat in this dry weather.

    Played with photos again.  Nice to entertain myself, when there is no one to talk to.  Think my great niece played volleyball today.  Hope they did good.  Sharing some I edited & autumn photos I have saved.


I took the flower photo

I took this photo of my front yard

Piece of art on a friend's fence.  I copied a photo of it as they live to far away to get a real photo.  Like it.

Here is the process I go through to create these ones I like in case anyone is curious.

Original photo

Convert to a pencil sketch

Convert to a soft color photo

Or convert to a more colorful photo 


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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