Friday, October 4, 2024

10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


           Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it must always be served with a cinnamon bun. 

I had an American cinnamon roll but prefer the Swedish one.  Much, much better!

Today's Name Day: Frank, Frans

    What a busy day!!!  Loved it!!  Never saw Cinder this morning.  She was hiding & sleeping.  I was quiet & left.

    Met LL for lunch at the White Peacock.  I had a cinnamon bun & onion chips & green tea with honey.  And great conversation.  I am lucky to have her as a friend!!!

     Work this afternoon.  I got a lot done.  Mill was quiet.  Not many visitors.  Really quiet.  Finished Folder "M" which was kind of short.  Started folder "N" which is really small..  Got almost all the tiny photos done.  Hate those.  

    This weekend is a busy busy time.  College home coming & lots of meetings.  There was a huge college meeting of awards, etc. There was NO parking places all day.  To get a parking place I went around the block 5 times.  Yikes!!

    Supper was  Mexican.  Two of the staff like my purse.  They asked me to order them each one!!!  Fun!!  I tried something new for supper.  I had steak & shrimp on rice.  Very good.

    Then I washed my car.  Long, long overdue.  Looks much better.  We ended the day with soft serve ice cream with hot fudge sauce.  Perfect.

    Lots of semis unloading at the elevator.  Not sure what.  Corn??  But fun to see the elevator all lit up.  I sure miss my days riding with Willie in his semi all over the states here.  He hauled grain & cattle.  Oh, for one more trip with him & the other 2 drivers.

    Got home & Cinder was waiting in the living room.  Both cats have searched for extra attention.  My sweater was one that snags easily.  I finally went to changhe it to save it.  Cinder snagged one loooong thread.  I had to pull it through to the inside.  Looks ok.

    Great weather today but hot again tomorrow.  Up around 95.  Ick.

    Stopped in the SVAFC.  My fave artist is having a showing this month.  I just wanted to say hello & peek at his work.  He talks this sunday.  Plus he has a long article on the front page of the newpaper.  Had to buy one to read.

    Photos are ones I edited today.  When I scan the smaller photos it scans much slower.  Gives me time to play on my phone.


A princess


Wynton Marsalis in concert in Lindsborg years ago.  Awesome show.


Swedish boy with julbock

Thursday, October 3, 2024

10/2024 Onsdag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments



Nothing interesting or fun on the National Day Calendar.  Found a gnome photo I like.

Today's Name Day: Evald, Osvald

      Not a bad day.  Slept ok.  Cinder stayed nearby & in bed.  At naptime, she slept on me the entire nap.  She has not asked to go outside once since her traumatic day outside.  I went out to get mail & she never looked up.  Not sure she is eating good.  I am worried.  I wonder what happened to her.  Or what she saw.

    Got nice & cool overnight but too dang hot today.  I saw 93.  Ick.  Little cooler tomorrow then saturday is super high again.  Another ick,

    Had supper with LL from work.  We had food from the Stuga.  Very good.  We had a great talk.  I enjoy her company.  Nice day.

    I waited to fuel my car but was scared the price would go higher.  It did not.  Nice & cheap.  Always good.  Fun to fuel for a change.

    Driving in to town & saw a couple of familiar looking guys in a field.  It was KN & his son CN.  We had a short conversation on our phones.  He is back to building a fence here tomorrow.  He warned me it would be noisy. Too hot to plant wheat.  I will make sure Cinder stays inside.

    Little pain today.  Just the usual.  It moves around,  My back today.

    Photos are a mix of autumn, Christmas, farm, etc.


Bird sitting in the same tree all day in the pasture.  Hawk or owl???  Got it flying away.

Lights on the table after supper.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

10/2024 Onsdag the 02nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Random Acts of Poetry Day 

Today's Name Day: Love, Ludvig

    Not the. best day.  Or last night.  It was awful.  I put Cinder out around noon.  Got home from Salina around 6pm.  No Cinder.  That was odd.  I called her off & on all night.  And she never came.  I got really worried & had a major meltdown..  After losing Nico I just am not ready to lose another pet.  I sat outside & cried more than once.  And I kept calling.  And calling.  Finally around midnight Cinder was there but on the ground.  She would not come on the porch.  So I walked down to pick her up.  She did not run & let me pick her up.  And then I hoped I did not fall on the steps.  She in the house ran to sit on a table.  Ignored her food.  She acted scared.  I went to bed & she came to hide under the bed.  Wonder what has her so scared.  And why she could not come when I called her.  She finally came to bed & has not left my side since ----  all night & all day.
    My RA started flaring last night & kept getting worse.  By morning I could barely walk.  I am sure it was at least partly stress induced.  I had a lunch date & work.  I cancelled the entire day & rested.  Sad.  Would have been a fun day.  Better tonight.  Finally.  I fell asleep after lunch & had a so-so nap after being awake all night.
    Weather was ok,  Saw 45 overnight.  But upper 80s today.  And recored breaking temps this weekend..  I hate summer weather.  I hate dry weather.  Are we doing enough or even anything about our screwed up climate?????
    Not had many texts today.  But people did make nice comments on my FB posts about Cinder.  She has not asked to go out & I have not offered.  IF she asked the answer is no.
    I am about out of my V8 energy drinks.  I ordered more BUT I made an error.  Bought Red Bull.  Won't drink it.   They are dangerous.  Mess with your blood pressure & pulse.  I have enough trouble without that.
    The group that I created & run with another guy has 7,000+ members.  We have rules.  I just had someone write me to change our rules to what she wants.  Not how groups work.  Her suggestion would make my group a mess.  I am sorry she is having trouble getting help but not my problem.  If I break a rule for her then I have to for all.  Won't do it.  She can think I am a bitch & treat me like one.  It has happened before.  Won't affect me.  Start your own group.  Don't mess with mine.
    My photos are a mix of autumn, Christmas, Halloween, edited.



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

10/2024 Tisdag the 01st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


October is Here!!!!

Today's Name Day: Ragna, Ragnar

    Super day!!!  I slept great.  It got nice & chilly!  Awesome.  The high today was mid 70s.  Perfect weather.  Only one day.  Sucks again tomorrow & beyond.  😔. But enjoyed it today.  Tonight I think it will be in the 40s but tomorrow is 80s & 90s by the weekend.  😱. Usch.

    Hair appointment today.  Cut, colored, styled.  And pampered.  Three of the other stylists who work there are trumpers so we always have to watch what we talk about anything.  And they all left for a while today so those of us left could speak freely.  A rare nice moment.  Does not happen often.  And my hair looks great!!!

    I had planned to fix pasta for supper but then talked myself out of it.  Maybe thursday.  I went to Arby's for a beef sandwich, apple turnover,  small Coke.  I am really not in the mood to drink sodas anymore.  With my ice machine I prefer icy cold water.  Healthier.

    I left the salon around 5pm.  Bad time to drive in Salina.  Super busy!!!  No bueno!!!  Glad to be home,

    Outside I saw a light colored cat with 2-3 kittens.  Interesting.  No Cinder yet. Will check again soon,

    Photos are a mix of autumn, Halloween, & Christmas.


Awesome historic house in Abilene KS.  They do Halloween stuff in the house.

My favorite TV show Colbert with the leader of the band.

Dala horse or Dalahäst

10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

               Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag ........ is always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it m...