National Black Cat Day
October 27th celebrates the beauty of these sleek creatures. The day also seeks to raise awareness about the low adoption rates for black cats.
On the night of October 27th, it is believed that our departed pets return from the afterlife to visit us in our homes
And I read to fix a spot for your departed pet with a treat, water, & light a candle. I plan to do that.
Had another great day working at the SVAFC. Not as busy to day but great guests. Had a couple come in from Sweden. The lady & I were chatting when I told her I had been to Marstrand Sweden & she got excited as she lives there. We had a great visit. I talk far too much but I enjoyed out chat. Maybe that is why I have no friends. I talk about me too much.
A couple of ladies from Salina came in. I recognized the one but had never met her. She was the Director of the Salina Arts & Humanities. And an honor to meet her. We & her friend had a nice visit. Her friend is on a couple of boards of art galleries & an artist. I knew her name & was glad to meet her also.
My fave artist was in a couple of times. Once he walked by & was being silly. Sure makes me feel good & laugh.
Supper was at the Barnyard Creamery. We had burgers, chips, & Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream shakes. Great meal!!!
Parked next to us at supper was a wonderful old car. You had to turn the crank on the front to start it. Took him one crank!! I never got a good photo though.
It was pretty cold last night & in the 70s today. And the wind has already started up. Great. NO!!
I sort of wanted to nap tonight but I just rested in quiet peace. Really all I needed. But Cinder is extra extra loving tonight. I think she knows when I hurt inside. She is the only one.
Too many things on my mind. The season it is, thinking of my past life & people & activities I miss. Just hard to imagine I lost Willie but also lost "friends" of 40+ years. They were not my friends, only Willie's. But now I never get an invite anywhere for any reason ---- holidays or family things, trips, nothing. I have 2 friends I socialize with ---- one for lunches often & one just for tea. There is one who has been sick so maybe in the future I will get to see him. I keep hoping. Or maybe he does not want to see me. Plus it is soon the anniversary of Willie dying. Already heavy in my heart. Will honour him alone. Always alone. Why did he leave???
Plus after such a fun weekend I will miss all the activities and people. I know so many people & they know me only when they see me. They all are part of groups of friends. I see then having fun.
Photos all have to do with black cats.