Thursday, October 31, 2024

10/2024 Torsdag the 31th - Wandering & Capturing Moments



Photo is me.  Called by several on FB as Miss Kitty.

Today's Name Day: Edgar, Edit

    Had a quiet day.  Did have a nice surprise.  Both of my trash bins had blown over on their side with 54mph winds.  I chose to ignore until I needed to use one of them.  Looked outside this afternoon & both were upright.  I assume it was KN.  I sent him a message to see if it was him.  Very nice.

    Great weather today.  Not hot, no wind, perfect.  I even slept good last night with no pain.

    I had a nap & after it Cinder has cuddled a lot.  Best part of my day.  

Got photos of my grandkids.  All little kids march through town & all the shops pass out candy.  Fun.  Photos of my 3 great grandsons plus my grandson working as a bartender today.  He is on the left.

A friend got videos of the kids walking in town.  Wish I had been there.  Always cool.

    There was more communicating with Halloween.  Good for my day.  Fun to see what others created and/or shared.

    My photos today are all Halloween.  I miss having kids out here but not too much.  I was going to take photos at night of decorations but never got it done.  Sometimes the pain wins..


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

10/2024 Onsdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Candy Corn Day

Today's Name Day: Elsa, Isabella

         Not. good day for me.  I got up & wrenched my back the first thing.  Bad back pain.  And wobbly during the day.  Did not fall & get hurt but it sure scared me.  I did not go to work.  Miserable.

    Great weather here today.  No wind.  Got cooler as the day went on.  High over nite was 71 but the high this afternoon was 59.  And we had rain.  Totaled around half an inch.

    Yesterday there were around 7 fires in Kansas.  Think none today.  But south & east of Lindsborg there was a severe storm.  High winds, heavy rain.  My friends at the Mill had some heavy rain that flooded their street.  They had to walk through deep water to get to their cars.  Sooo sorry I missed that!!  No rain for Halloween but then on the weekend there is rain forecast,

    My grandson MM decided I needed food for lunch since I was hurting,  I told him I was fine but he said he would deliver food at noon.  It was the best meal.  Got a Pepsi,  chicken noodle soup, & a large dish of cake.  I loved it all.  What a sweetie to think of me.  I tried to divide the cake in 3 times today.  Hahaha!!  Lunch was ok as I was full of soup.  BUT.  I scarfed it all down at supper.  Dang good cake.  Must have more.

    Cinder & I took a nice nap.  She has been staying close,  So has Kisse.  I am lucky to have them.  I miss Nico so much it is painful but the cats sure help.  I know they miss him too.

    Photos today are a mix of seasonal ones.


Only photo here I took.  No idea why he was decorated,


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

10/2024 Tisdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Cat Day

Photo of my cats Kisse, Cinder, & their friend Nico.  They both miss Nico like I do.

Today's Name Day: Viola

A special name to me.  A sweet couple name Clarence & Viola were the god parents to our son.

    What a truly awful weather day.  😱. Never got cool last night. Ugh.  Then today our high was 80F but the wind was the worst.  Gusts up to 54mph.  I had trouble opening my front door to get the mail from the porch.  And it about blew me over.  Must have had a bad gust recently.  My electricty blinked & my tv went out.

    On the news they reported at least 5 fires in Kansas & several in Oklahoma.  Videos from Wichita were really smokey.  There were fires north of me & one about an hour west of me.  Glad none were very close.  One was reported to be a soybean fire ----- the combine hit a rock & started it burning.

    Tomorrow is it cooler & rain forecast late afternoon.  And those who miss rain tomorrow might get some next week.  Chances several days next week.  Sounds hopeful.

    Today would have been Mom & Dad's 83rd wedding anniversay.  Miss them.

    I heard from no one until just now.  Grandson, his novia, & their 3 kids.  Nice.  Only thing my other grandson posts is sports stuff.  I just ignore.  Not my sports.  I do not like American sports.  Prefer European or Mexican sports.

    I had a great nap.  I never even felt Cinder curl up on my chest.  And she never moved until I got up.  Very nice.  Then it was shampoo hair time.  It was overdue.  It always is.

    I started a new online program of stretches --- called Wiggles.  Takes about 10 minutes.  Did my first today.  You can pick sitting or standing.  I do sitting do to my back gets sore when standing.  I even managed to just sit on the sofa today doing it.  Went good.

    I tried something new for supper.  I got cheesy mashed potatoes.  Healthy portion.  Add water & heat for 45 seconds.  I added a bit of butter & salt.  Very good.  Will fix more often.  Lunch was potato & bacon soup.  Too good for words.

    Photos are all Halloween.  Soon be over.  We have not had tricksters here in many many years.  I miss the years Mom was in the nursing home.  Fun to see all the kids come in.  And I always got a hat or wig or scarf for Mom.  Fun times.  Long gone.


Monday, October 28, 2024

10/2024 Måndag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate Day

Today's Name Day: Simon, Simone

    Had a so-so day.  Far too quiet after such a fun weekend.  😔  Only emails with a friend.  I love hearing from her.

    Did not sleep as good as I wanted but I did get a good nap with Cinder. She curled up with me twice.

    I had an interesting dream this afternoon.  I worked in a bar serving food & drinks.  There was a sweet little boy & his mom in there.  Seating was like picnic tables.  The town streets were dirt.  Willie came in all young & happy.  He was wearing a coat he had at that age.  He looked good.  We both did & I could walk without pain.  A large group of his friends came in.  The husbands were so friendly with me but not the wives.  So true to real life.  I thought I would only wait on the men but then decided I would wait on all of them despite their rudeness.  No need to stoop to their level!!!

    Trash day tomorrow so I had several bags to carry outside.  Almost too much for me to do.  Only have boxes between my bins so one bin is empty.  I have ordered some bungee straps to use on my bins.  Can fill one with boxes then.  But I only have me to depend on so I managed.  No choice.  Not like there is a line of caring people waiting to help me.  😏

    I even actually cooked supper.  Had pasta with sweet & sour sauce.  Not too bad.  I am full & not sick from eating.  Without being told how to eat.  Like I don't have a clue.

    Poor Cinder.  She wanted so sit on my lap but I cannot blog then.  She will survive.  Soon she can snuggle.

    Coolish last night.  Not cool enough.  House was stuffy.  Too warm today.  In the 80s.  Winds up to 30 mph.  Worse tomorrow.  At least 3 fires in the state.

    Pictures are all winter ones & one Halloween.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

10/2024 Söndag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Black Cat Day 

October 27th celebrates the beauty of these sleek creatures. The day also seeks to raise awareness about the low adoption rates for black cats.

On the night of October 27th, it is believed that our departed pets return from the afterlife to visit us in our homes 🧡  And I read to fix a spot for your departed pet with a treat, water, & light a candle.  I plan to do that.

    Had another great day working at the SVAFC.  Not as busy to day but great guests.  Had a couple come in from Sweden.  The lady & I were chatting when I told her I had been to Marstrand Sweden & she got excited as she lives there.  We had a great visit.  I talk far too much but I enjoyed out chat.  Maybe that is why I have no friends.  I talk about me too much.
    A couple of ladies from Salina came in. I recognized the one but had never met her.  She was the  Director of the Salina Arts & Humanities.  And an honor to meet her.  We & her friend had a nice visit.  Her friend is on a couple of boards of art galleries & an artist.  I knew her name & was glad to meet her also.
    My fave artist was in a couple of times.  Once he walked by & was being silly.  Sure makes me feel good & laugh.
    Supper was at the Barnyard Creamery.  We had burgers, chips, & Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream shakes.  Great meal!!!
    Parked next to us at supper was a wonderful old car.  You had to turn the crank on the front to start it.  Took him one crank!!  I never got a good photo though. 
    It was pretty cold last night & in the 70s today.  And the wind has already started up.  Great.  NO!!
    I sort of wanted to nap tonight but I just rested in quiet peace.  Really all I needed.  But Cinder is extra extra loving tonight.  I think she knows when I hurt inside.  She is the only one.
    Too many things on my mind.  The season it is, thinking of my past life & people & activities I miss.  Just hard to imagine I lost Willie but also lost "friends"  of 40+ years.  They were not my friends, only Willie's.  But now I never get an invite anywhere for any reason ---- holidays or family things, trips, nothing.  I have 2 friends I socialize with ---- one for lunches often & one just for tea.  There is one who has been sick so maybe in the future I will get to see him.  I keep hoping.  Or maybe he does not want to see me.  Plus it is soon the anniversary of Willie dying.  Already heavy in my heart.  Will honour him alone.  Always alone.  Why did he leave???
    Plus after such a fun weekend I will miss all the activities and people.  I know so many people & they know me only when they see me.  They all are part of groups of friends.  I see then having fun.
    Photos all have to do with black cats.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...