Sunday, November 17, 2024

11/2024 Sõndag the 17th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Homemade Bread Day

My best friend in high school's mom was a baker.  It was a treat to go to her house after school just as the white bread was coming out of the oven.  Add butter & jelly!!!! What a treat!!  My mom only made Swedish rye bread.  Wish I had some now,

Today's Name Day: Naemi, Naima

    Today did not start out good.  Tried to get out of bed & bad pain everywhere in my body,  But after tons of pain cream & pain pills I am a little better.  But with the cold front approaching not sure it will last.

    I did make it outside for a bit.  Moved some boxes before the rain starts.  Chilly outside,  I like it.

    I turned on the tv after lunch & found a rugby match ----- France & the All Blacks from New Zealand.  NZ is my fave team.  Great match but France won by 1 point.

    TV pretty well sucked today so I watched several Dish Scapes.  Found one from Bryce Canyon.  Awesome place & awesome video.  Snow in the canyon.  Would love to go back there.  The one I am watching now is a Christmas living room.  There is a magic elf in it that moves to different places.  Fun.

    I got a new candle so I finally lit it today,  Nice fragrance.

    Worked on some genealogy.  I am actually keeping up.  That is good.

    Had a tiny shower over night.  Radar looked pretty good but did not do much here.  Nothing here yet.  After supper maybe.

    Today was SM 4th birthday.  I could not feel worse if I tried for missing it.  But I knew I just could not be there.  Sitting on the hard chairs would do me in.  I stayed quiet all day. And sat on my soft sofa.  Getting supper ready really hurts my back.  Hard kitchen chair  But I am missing being there.  I have been crying not that it helps.  KW sent me a lot of photos.  She is the best.  Love her a lot.

    Wanting food that I do not have here.  Oh well.  Another day maybe.  Not tomorrow.  Too rainy.  Maybe tuesday.

    Photos today are free ones of Christmas doors.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...