Sunday, December 8, 2024

12/2024 Söndag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


My bedmate this morning. 💕

Today's Name Day:  Virginia

    I had a wonderfully quiet day today. It was one of those days where I embraced my lazy side. I ended up changing my morning alarm twice and even indulged in a short nap to recharge. Tonight, I decided to keep it low-key and skip supper out. However, there’s a good chance I’ll treat myself to a meal out tomorrow. Just taking it easy and enjoying the moment! 
    Last night was a bit warmer than usual, and today we found ourselves in the 40s. I can’t help but feel frustrated with this winter’s unseasonably warm temperatures. It is winter, after all, but where is the cold we expect? I’m tired of hearing our weather people celebrate the 50-60 degree forecasts. That just doesn't resonate with me. I long for the normal winter we used to experience. Let's hope for a return to the winter we all remember!
    I need to take the trash outside, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to do it today. It will need to be taken care of sometime tomorrow. Thankfully, there isn't too much to carry out, so it shouldn't be too difficult. 
    Have not found a Christmas movie worth watching for a couple of days.  Was glad SNL was new.  Did not know the host or singer but liked both.  The singer was good.
    MM posted several posted photos of his day.  Looked like fun.  I'm really happy for him! It feels like it's quite rare for me to have a day that's just packed with fun. But hey, that's just how my life tends to go. Undefined moments like these remind me to appreciate the little joys, even if they don't come my way as often.
    As I gazed out of my living room window, I was delighted to spot a deer gracefully bounding through the yard. Moments later, a second deer joined the first, and they both swiftly darted away. It always brings me joy to see these beautiful creatures so close to my home. Nature has a wonderful way of reminding us of its magic, and witnessing deer in my neighborhood is truly a special experience.
    Photos today are seasonable.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...