Friday, March 7, 2025

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Camilla
I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older & very nice.

    A much better day.  I ate out & worked.  Pain free?  Sort of.  Not really pain just feeling uncomfortable.  Nothing major.  I had enough visitors at work I had little time to feel sorry for myself.  While eating tonight pain started in my back,  Same at home plus knee pain.  Normal.  Always have some kind of pain daily.  Whether I complain or not I hurt.  I know most people just don't care.  I have adjusted to that truth.
    Started my day with lunch with LL at the White Peacock.  They were rather quiet today.  Got our table quite easy.  Had a ham sandwich with mayo, lingonberries & cheese.  Very good.
    Then I worked at the SVAFC.  I was busy today.  Many visitors in this afternoon.  I knew several & others I was clueless.      
    One lady came in who loves to visit.  And so do I.  Like to make up for my alone time.  Found out we both have kids who ignore us.  Hers have never threatened her with physical harm.  They just ignore her.  But we gave each other support.
    One guy came in that I did not know.  He is an artist.  And never was quiet.  Never.  Like we were best friends!  But it helped pass the time.  Later I was warned about him.  Just over board.
    One couple were my friends.  Nice to see both of them.  Good people!  He posts lots of cool stuff.  I told him to keep it up!!
    Supper was Mexican with JR.  Good to see all of my friends there.  Like going home.  I am lucky.  Took a burrito home for this weekend.  So good.  Todo bien.
    Dessert was Shamrock ice cream -----  mint ice cream with thin mint Girl Scout cookies & green sprinkles.  It was very good.  Never had it before.
    Home now.  Need to feed the kits.  Both have let me know they are near death.  They had lots of food they sort of ignored.
    Weather stayed cloudy & in the  40s.  Last night it was in the 30s & I was freezing.  Stupid south wind.  Hope it stays calm tonight.  I will sleep better.  Dreading the hot weather on monday & tuesday.
    Photos are little drawings.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

003/2025 Torsdag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Ebba, Ebbe

    Another sort of bad day.  I cancelled the entire day.  No lunch out.  No hair cut.  Lunch with my friends next week.  Hair cut next week too.  I feel mostly ok when sitting.  But walking & standing are painful.  Tomorrow will dip myself in pain cream & pain pills.  Once I get to work I can hurt.  No problem.
    Got a little chilly last night.  Lower than freezing.  Today I saw temps in the 50s.  This morning the wind was calm but now it is roaring!!!  My boxes were moved aound some.  They are on the south side of my house & the wind is from the SE at almost 40mph.  Hate south winds.  North winds do not change my house inside temp so much.
    Yesterday on the weather they showed a HUGE & strong low front that covered the entire US ---- from coast to coast.  No wonder I hurt!!  Never seen anything like that before!!
    Next few days there is a front with some moisture in it.  And then the end of next week another front with rain.  I hope lots of rain.  Before the rain, we are in the 80s.  I hate that.  Way too early to be so hot.  I hate hot weather.
    I had a nice nap today.  That was my only activity today.  And taking care of the kits.  If they are hungry they both sit & stare at me.  As I eat!!!
    Time changes this weekend.  Stupid.  Set it one way & leave it.  In Kansas we have at least one county that does not change.  And I think Arizona does not change.  Amazing there are a few smart people here.
    Not much communication with others today.  A few texts.
    I see cattle out my living room window.  They have stuck close to home for a few days.  No llamas today.
    Soon supper time.  No clue what to eat.  Too tired to fix much.  Then spanish lesson.  The lessons this week have been really hard.  Last night was better.
    Photos are coffee ones & cozy ones.

I have this.  I smell things either while watching TV or in bed.  I do not know who they may be about.  Except popcorn.  My parents & Willie made popcorn often!! Once I was sitting in my rocker in the living room.  I smelled a wonderful perfume.  If I walked away no sweet smell.  Sat back down & it was there.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

003/2025 Onsdag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


I created this collage with flowers I probably took the photos of,

Today's Name Day:  Tora, Tove

    Not a good day today.  I cancelled everything I had planned.  My sore back I have had all week got worse overnight..  Walking is a challenge.  A little better now but not great.  I have been careful today not to lift or anything.  I am sure the weather is playing a big part in my pain.  And another storm is forecast for friday.  😞
    I slept pretty good last night.  Cinder was close for a while.  Kisse cuddled with me a couple times.  Very nice.  I have learned if I use my weighted blanket over my feet I am less restless.  No idea why but I tend not to toss & turn.  And it hurts to turn when my back already hurts.
    I did watch the state of the union speech.  And I survived.  All I have to say about it.  I remain terrified for my country.
    We got a tiny bit of rain overnight & a thin dusting of snow.  Temp stayed in the 30s.  Today the high was 40-50.  Winds gusted to 50mph.  A bit less today.  Will stay windy for the next couple of days.
    I started my day with photos from one of my great grandsons telling me good morning!!  So sweet.
    Photos today are of sunflowers.  I either took them or shared them online.

My photo

My photo.  A lucky shot.

My photo.  I remember this flower.

My photo

My photo

My photo

Could be mine but not sure

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

003/2025 Tisdag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Adrian, Adriana

    Not the best night.  Awake until almost 5am.  Then I slept pretty good.  No nap today.  Other things to do.
    Stayed too warm overnight,  It was in the 50s.  Usch.  But no major winds.  Yet.  Trash got picked up.  See how long the bins stay upright.
    Decided to shower & shampoo my hair while we have electricity.  And just got more propane this afternoon.
    Drove to my mailbox..  It was just starting to rain.  When I drove back home had to use the wipers.  And away from the protection of my house the wind is really blowing & cold.  Gusts to 40mph according to one weather app.  Winds up to 85mph in western Kansas.  Do not want that here!!!  Scary.  Temps are falling now from 50s to 41F now.
    Looking for one specific package.  Said it was in my mail box.  Not there.  Dang.  Nothing super expensive.  I emptied the mailbox..
    Had one email & a couple of texts & photos of great grandson.  Good feelings for me!!
    Hope I make it to work tomorrow.

Llama this morning close to my yard.

Willie & I watching a wall cloud approaching years ago, on our farm.  It produced several tornadoes & destroyed a church in Chapman Kansas west of us.

Dalahäst in the library.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...