Thursday, March 20, 2025

003/2025 Torsdag the 20th - Wandering & Capturing Moments.


Today's Name Day:  Joakim, Kim
    I really do not like the name Kim.  That was my second temporary daughter-in-law's name.  Lots of bad memories!!  I have known other Kims who are nice & good people.

    Today was a good day.  Slept good.  Went to bed last night & both kits slept with me most of the night.  And they get along with no fighting.  I like that.
    Mom was a twin.  Unknown to her most of her life was that her twin was born on a different day than her.  Her twin was still born but before midnight,  Mom was born after midnight.  Her twin was never named nor had a headstone.  A fairly close relative made a deal with my mom that if she would do something for him he would buy a headstone for her sister.  He never did.  When I got the headstone for Willie & I then I also got one for her.  I knew that no one else would do it.  She deserves to be remembered.  I try keep flowers on her grave.
    Had a lunch date with 2 friends.  The third one was still on the way home from Colorado.  We met at Pizza Hut.  I had my garlic bread.  It is easy on my stomach.  No idea why.  I wanted  the salad but I eat it too slow.  Have that on sunday evening.  Conversation was good.  Nice variety of subjects.
    Went home for a short nap again with both cats.  Felt good.  Kisse in her chair & Cinder on me.  I am not quite as tired as I was.
    The weatherman last night reported that the pressure in Kansas during our blizzard Wednesday  was especially low.  We were at 29.2.  The hurricane Beryl's pressure was 28.91.  We were like being in a hurricane.  😱  Probably explains the super tiredness I had.  He explained that the extremely low pressure causes the high winds that we had.  Scary to find that out!
    First day of spring.  I am not excited.  I have a graphic that explains.  Many people are more depressed in winter.  I have the opposite.  Summers are worse for me.  And I know that no one cares how I feel as long as they get their summer.  Boy, do I know.

    No cattle around here until now.  Saw the llamas out my window.  Nice weather so they are roaming around the pasture.  Last nite we were in the 20s.  Today in the 60s.  Same tomorrow but more wind. Then a very slight chance of rain on saturday.  Won't hold my breath.
    Good news about a sick family member.  But I was not included in being told what was going on.  Still not sure what is what.  I wrote & asked but no answer.  I supposed I have pissed someone off again.  I give up.  Just makes me sad.
    Supper time.  Trouble with my blood sugar today.  No idea why.  Just part of being diabetic.
    For spring my photos are sunflowers.  I did not take any of them.

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003/2025 Lördag the 22nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments.

Today's Name Day:   Kennet, Kent    Had a good day.  Weather was ok.  No strong wind.  Tomorrow it comes back.  Yay.  😕  No chance of r...