Sunday, July 23, 2017

Busy Weekend

Had a busy weekend. Saturday was a fútbol match in Wichita. We were so hopeful and ready to win. But a bad call at the end of the match did us in. We lost 0-1. So our season ends. Best year ever!!

When we left the stadium it was just starting to sprinkle. Then we drove through Wichita. And we were almost in a cloud burst! What heavy rains!! Awesome. Then north of town huge --- HUGE --- lightning bolts were striking near the road. And loud thunder. But soon it was dry again. We got a slight shower at home after I went to bed.

Today I ate with my brother but missed my daughter. Jalisco's was quite busy.

Then going through more stuff. Found some incredible family treasures. I just could not believe what we found.

Home for a nap. But woke up sort of depressed. Tired of the heat. Tired of our AC only keeping the house in the mid to upper 80s. Why is that? Only *our* AC. No one else's. Does not make sense to me. Only to my spouse. No more comments on that. Tired of nothing special to look forward to. No trips. No big family get togethers. I guess I am missing times of old. Times when I was not in physical pain also.

I need to get myself out of my house and go. And take my brother with me. Lots we could see right here. We have several places we want to eat at in Wichita. And there is a Mexican pastry shop I want to shop at.

I think the heat really bothers me. No escape. Hot no matter where I go. Some days I could just sit and cry. Hopefully it is about over. I am ready for autumn. Golden leaves, crisp air, college fútbol, blankets at night. Maybe some frost in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. I missed you too Mom. I should have came and ate with you and Uncle Jay. I worry too much about money. Maybe we can get together this week sometime.


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