Monday, July 24, 2017

Too Hot Again

For where I live, this is the 6th hottest summer ever. And we are 5 inches behind in rain. The Dome of Heat remains in our house. It is awful. Just wears you down. Outside here was 100F. My living room is almost 86F. Why does our AC not work? I have an idea of what actually happened so our AC does not work properly, but no proof. Has to do with the one who keeps saying how good it feels in here.

I was going to town today but did not have it in me to get up and go. Too tired. Too hot. Maybe not tomorrow either. Nico was out this morning but then in right after lunch. Mostly slept all afternoon. Or hunted flies and killed them!

I am still in a bad mood. Hard time going to sleep last nite. And I cried for a while. Maybe just the heat inside and outside. Just cannot quite perk up. Plus I was rude to someone the other day. I never meant to hurt his feelings but I did. I feel bad over that.

Spent time thinning out the photos on my phone. Got rid of around 2000. What a mess I am! So many more to go! I should keep them all sorted.

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