Sunday, August 6, 2017

Good Sunday

Just beautiful weather! Cool today. Drizzle this morning. It is perfect and can last until winter.

Ate lunch with my brother J at the Swedish Crown. Good food. One of my favorite people works there. I always ask for him to be my waiter. His photo was in the newspaper this week. Always a good one.

My brother and I went through so much stuff of Mom's. Lots of her jewelry. Last week we found some pieces I was worried about. And more today. Mom has some Native American pieces I have never seen. I have no idea where she bought them. Wish I could ask.

And tons of papers today. Dang. But they were all fun to find. Some unique things we did not expect!  Mom had saved a light bill for $4000!! I bet she about died reading it! It was a mistake. Sure gave J and I a laugh!

After stepping back in time, J and I had a snow cone. They close next sunday for the winter. Sad.

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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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