Saturday, November 18, 2017

Last couple of days.

Thursday I got my hair gut and styled. I always like that. Nice to be pampered! That night I ate out with friends. A good friend works there. He is lots of fun. It was a good evening.

Yesterday I had my Swedish group. It was fun. Good conversation and good food! I think I upset a couple of members. So I have a new plan with the next holiday. I may be the president and surely not a good one but there is no need to get upset or snippy. I think when I have my knee surgery they can elect someone new. It is time.

Had lunch at Jalisco’s again. Best food and the best waiters. Actually they are friends. Always good.

Last night I went with a friend to eat in Salina and then to a program at a church in Abilene. There was music and laughs. A little religion and patriotism. There was a free will donation for people who need food on our area.

Yesterday is was 80F here. Far too warm. Then last night the wind went to the north and it got cold. Had a bit of rain this morning and then sunny but chilly.

I am having so much fun with my new camera. I sat outside with Nico and took lots of photos. And yesterday autumn leaves in town. Leaves here at home are not pretty but in town there are lots of reds and yellows. I get such nice closerups.

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