Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Oh, what a day!! Decided to do Christmas cards today. And I finally found my papers from last year. I used to send 60 cards but not so many this year. I used to give people 2 missed years before skipping them. Now it is miss a year and you are off my list. Many people I used to send to have died. I have many cousins but most ignore me. Even have an aunt and uncle who ignore me. I hear most family news from family in Denver, not locally. Sad.

I got lucky and Nico was outside while I addressed my cards. But then he came in. God help me!! He got 3 cards that I had not opened yet and one I just wrote out. I got the 3 new ones. He got my ink pen. I just cannot be 3 places at one time. I am now stressed to the maximum. But he is so sweet, curled next to me sleeping.

I did not sleep the best last night. But closer to morning I slept good. And late. I think I am a bit better. Maybe go to lunch tomorrow. Not going to do much. Do not to get worse.


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