Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Great day!

I had a fun day! I met my daughter for lunch. Had a great visit. I am so lucky she is back in my life. I am so thankful. She is the best. We had a good visit and great food.

My favorite waiter who is also my best friend gave me my Christmas gift. I got a wonderful top from Oaxaca México and a bottle of tequila from Jalisco México. I was quite popular! Everyone waiter was trying to get my bottle. Lots of joking!

I went to my parent's grave and a best friend's grave and decorated a little for Christmas. Bittersweet.

Yesterday I got 2 books in the mail from an artist friend. Both are in Swedish. Awesome. Very old books. Plus he did a handmade card for me also. Very nice.

Nico was just perfect today. I never yelled once! Not normal. This afternoon we shared some ice cream. He got cheated a lot but he has no clue. I noticed he was shaking!! He never refused it though.

Tonite a good friend texted me. His best friend just died in México. Breaks my heart. I know how awful that is. I wish I could help. Told him to call anytime and I can be with him if he wants. Two years ago we found my best friend's body. I will never recover from the horror or pain of loss.

Holidays can be difficult. Not always wonderful like the stupid tv commercials show.


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