Thursday, December 28, 2017


Warmer day. It actually got warmer overnight! Warmer tomorrow then the bottom drops out of again. Worse than it was! Wind chill on tuesday morning should be -30F or -35.5C. Might just stay in. For a few days.

I am sort of ok. Still really tired. Have moments of bad coughing. So far mostly at home.

I had an extra Christmas gift to deliver. He already had gotten his but he deserves more. He liked it. Wish I could give him more.

I had lunch at Jalisco's. Just me and my iPad. I never go anywhere without it. Better than sitting alone with a stupid look on my face.

Speaking of coughing, was outside with Nico. That cold air does it. Now coughing so bad. Awful. Will I ever recover?

Photos a mix of internet photos.        

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