Friday, January 26, 2018


Yesterday and today it was in the upper 60s. Too warm for winter. Supposed to be in the 40s. It is nice for Nico to get outside for a while. But we are so dry. Need rain desperately.
Had a funeral today and we were going but due to things out of my control, we did not make it. My brother and I just ate at el Jalisco. The manager's mother is her from Mexico. It was so good to see her. I even got a hug from her. And then his youngest daughter gave me a chocolate candy. My lucky day!

Played with my new lens. I am so clueless. And now when I take a photo my camera takes 3. I only need 1, not 3. My poor brother having to help me!

I was very tired again today. I seem to be exhausted every day. Not good. And, Why?


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