Friday, February 23, 2018

Good day!

Had a good day. A bit warmer and no ice. More rain/ice/whatever coming tonight.

Started the day with my Swedish Friendship Group. We had a good discussion and sang WWI songs. And learned some history. I enjoyed them.

Ate lunch at Jalisco's with my friend J. We had a good conversation. And excellent food. My waiter friend JS was in a rare mood!! What a joker! One of the cooks won some money last week. We tried to tell him that he said he would give it to me since he likes me so much! Oh, the look on his face!!

I tried to sleep when I got home. Nico would just not have it. I was not happy. He is better tonight.

With the changing weather and the cold air, I hurt a lot today. Worse than usual. I had a ring I wanted to wear and tried to put in on my finger. Severe pain!! Not good.

Photos from our road trip last sunday from Lindsborg to Delavan.

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