Friday, March 2, 2018

Busy Day!

I was up early to head to my Swedish group. I have to be there early to make the coffee. You do not want to keep coffee from Swedes! We had a good program. Said goodbye to a good friend until the next visit. Talked a bit about Sweden, and more.

Made a quick stop in to Jalisco to pick up a mouse from JS. Mine got Pepsi spilled on it last night.

Picked my daughter up to go to Salina to eat at the Hong Kong Buffet. Love their food. We had a great talk.

Ended the day at a surgical arts business. She got an injection in her hip. The building used to be a tire company. It is gorgeous inside. A fireplace open on 2 sides. The was a waterfall on one wall. I could live there.

An old friend works there and she came out to say hi to me. I miss her. At one point she could have been part of our family. I wish but life goes on. A great hello.

Home for a short nap.


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