Thursday, June 28, 2018


I think we are living in a desert! I saw 104F in Saley ina and 102F on our farm. Miserable. Worse tomrrow! 

I put Nico outside at 6am and back in around 11am. At least he got some outside time. It is 9pm and it is still 90F outside.

I went to Lindsborg to the post office and then had lunch at Jalisco's. I was alone and they were too busy for me to get any extra attention. They were extra busy on Wednesday also. Maybe too hot to cook at home!

After lunch I was off to Salina. Had my hair shampooed, cut, and styled. I missed last month's appointment so it was getting long.

Home and stayed inside. The poor AC had trouble keeping up. Of course our house leaks tons of air. God forbid we fix anything. One way or another we pay.

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