Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quarantine Day 24

The pear trees keep their blooms for a few days. Today my blooms are leaving my tree. The wind is coming up so my front yard looks like it is snowing! Lovely.

I am paranoid about getting the Covid 19 virus so I check my temp twice a day. So far so good. I usually run in the 97F range. Last night I was in the 98F range. Bothered me. This morning it was 96F. Good.

Last night I took a sock and made a mask. Not perfect but fits fine. Just do not look at my hair. Awful!

Last night I even got to video chat with my best friend. Very nice. We check on each other often to make sure all is ok.

Weather is turning a bit cooler with some high winds. The winds are starting now. Was calm all morning. At 2pm my temp outside is 89. Ick. Too warm.

Church photo is my church. My great great grandparents were charter members. They came to the US in the 1860s. No town then, just a community house where everyone lived and all they had was a bed. Then they had a dugout home or partially dugout. And finally a real farm house.

How I wish I had a cook who would deliver meals here. I hate to cook. Sigh....

Had a phone call from a good friend tonight. Great to 
hear her voice. And we had a good visit. Only thing that would have made it better would be to have met at the Peacock! I can hope soon but in reality it may be months and months.

I need to reach out and call others. But everyone I am friends with does not live alone. I hate to bother anyone. But I need to try.

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