Monday, April 20, 2020

Quarantine Day 36

I was reading a book last night. I now know I am the Queen of my own dominion. Unfortunately I have no royal consort or even a court jester. Whatever life throws at me, I must handle alone. Hardly seems fair for a Queen!

I thought about my life after retiring for the night. I can remember when there were such good times! We had many friends, or at least Willie had lots of friends. Oh the fun we had! But life changes and so do people. Be fun to go back. And for many years Willie drove a cattle truck or grain truck. I loved riding with him. I even drove a couple of times. I miss our co-drivers. We had a lot of laughs. I am glad he had fun all his life and good friends. 

Nico sees the vet tomorrow. Their lobby is closed so they do curbside service. Interesting to see how that works. Does Nico go in. Does Dr come out to talk to me. Report tomorrow. He needed his nails cut and I think he has allergies. Next week will get Kisse in.

Had a long call from a friend. Fun to chat. I wish her well. She has a lot going on in her life.

Warm weather with rain forecast for midweek.

Watching Murdoch Mysteries again. Beats anything on the local channels. Right now it is an episode on behind the scenes. Nice to see the "real people"! And found all the stars are on Instagram, and the show, and the network. One of the few joys of being isolated for 36 days.

Photos are just local things. Not taken just recently. But not much changes.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

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