Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quarantine Day 46

Another quiet day. Until this afternoon. A huge excavator drove through my yard. Will be tearing down a building west of the house. That happens tomorrow. My nephew is always so caring. He always makes sure that what he does will not upset me. I have told him to tear all the dilapidated buildings down but he always double checks. Nice. Not used to most family caring about me. Think how great it could be if we all cared about each other. I guess those days are gone now. And maybe I get what I deserve. Not a happy thought.

My RA doctor called and next week instead of me driving to Wichita we are doing a tele appointment. I signed on to their app and it worked great. I even accidentally had a dr answer. When I told him why I was there he hung up. It was his fault not mine but I know it all works well. Wonder if I can talk my diabetes dr. in to the same way. I really do not want to be in a clinic full of sick people. I hate the thought of even having blood drawn in Lindsborg. Just want to be left alone.

The weather was almost 80F. House was felt ok. Took a nice nap with the fur kids. Maybe eat out tomorrow.

My hand keeps fluctuating. Now a different finger is swollen and very sore. Not so sure that it is all caused by my injuring my hand. Maybe it has affected my RA. I am sick to death of it.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues


  1. So did they bulldoze the old house down today? Did you and the fur babies do okay with the noise?

    1. Just an old barn!! Two more buildings to go. I did take Nico where he could see what was going on. No way he can see from the house.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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