Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Plague, Day 132......

Quiet day. Warm and humid. Now we are in a flood watch on sunday and monday. Next week is to be cooler with chances for rain most of the week. I hope they are not lying!!

Soo cool. Took Nico out around 5am. I said something to him and an owl answered me. He talked several times. Never see or hear owls. Loved it.

Watching my soccer team, FC Wichita. It is 1-1 now. Poo! Wish we were there but Wichita has far too many cases of Covid and are starting to shut down bars and places again. Best to just stay here. 

Been texting with my cousins from California. I appreciate them so much. They send funny things and cool things. Helps me more than they know.

Been struggling to figure out where I belong. I hate when I have that feeling of belonging no where.  I am like a stranger in my family. Have been for years. Mom's 2 brothers used to call or email when they traveled in case Mom forgot where they were. Once she was gone I never heard from either again. Certainly not part of my town. Or even my Swedish group. It is changing far too much for me. And I have no say in anything. Was not kept on as even a go to person. I am just here with no one. Oh well. I do feel at home with the Mexican restaurant and workers. They seem to care and always glad to see me. Surprisingly, I am friends with many who used to work there. That is amazing to me. How does that happen?? When it is safe to travel I plan on a trip to Rapid City where several live. The photos they share are just gorgeous!!

Photos are more old photos from Lindsborg and the surrounding prairie.

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